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With Taehyung:

As all of them were getting attacked by different direction he got confused but by his all trainings he was successful in bringing many of them down . He was so into the fighting that he didn't notice two of them attacking at his back . He turned around and started fighting with them when one of them bit his leg making him scream.

Listening to his scream all the hyungs came running but Jungkook was the first one to reach. He saw Taehyung lying on the floor with one lixus biting his leg and other hovering over him ready with his claws to peirce in his skin . He saw fear in the eyes in elder along with tears..the scared look of  Taehyung's face snapped something inside of him. He turned in his fire and air powers together.

Taehyung was still laying on the ground looking scarily at those creatures in front of him. He was just praying in his mind for someone to come and save him..the pain in his leg was unbearable but when he saw the other creature readying his claws to kill him he closed his eyes waiting for the pain . But instead he heard the scream of those creatures making him open his eyes and then he saw the younger who was in his fire form just like the first time he saw him.

 But instead he heard the scream of those creatures making him open his eyes and then he saw the younger who was in his fire form just like the first time he saw him

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This time he was able to admire the younger. His black hair parted in the middle..his doe eyes getting red with anger and power..his sharp jawline...his red lips and lastly the mole he likes at the younger because he thinks it suits him greatly.

While Jungkook looking at the elders pain faced got really angry and changed his form . He grabbed two arrows from his back and aim at those lixus . His eyes turned bright red as soon as he released them making them of fire which peircd through the creatures making them dead

He quickly ran towards elder who was looking at him in daze he asked him if you're fine to which Taehyung nodded " yeah I am quite fine you came on right time or I would've been dead" ...." Don't say like that hyung as long as I am alive nothing will happen to you.. and don't lie your foot is bleeding you are not okay..... let me call Jin hyung he will treat you alright "

Jungkook said but Taehyung was stuck on his first line " nothing will happen to you as long as I am alive "

' does he really love him that much '

Well his answer was confirmed when he looked at the others teary eyes
Jungkook was about to get up when Taehyung hold his hand " please don't leave me alone I am still scared " he said shivering a little making Jungkook immediately crouched down..he cupped the older's cheeks and wiped the tears that were flowing.

" Shhhh.. okay I am not going anywhere and don't be scared nothing will happen to you... I am here " Jungkook consoled the older who now started crying because of pain " What happened?" Jungkook asked in concern when he saw the pained ..pale face of the older who was silently crying clutching on Jungkook's shirts " h-hurts" he said while sobbing and then fainted making Jungkook panicked.

" Jin hyung! Jin hyung come fast! Look what happened he has fainted please check him !" He said to Jin who after killing last lixus came to him while panting . He crouched down in front of them and looked at Jungkook's teary eyes he patted his shoulder and started checking Taehyung.

"Oh my god!" Jin exclamation got everyone alert especially Jungkook in whose embrace Taehyung was " what happened hyung ?" He asked desperately " those lixus had poison in thier teeth which is now spreading in his body it needs to be cured asap!" Jin said making everyone gasp and concerned while Jimin had already started crying.

" The cure it Jin what are you thinking about?" Yoongi yelled at Jin to which he hesitantly said "but either I can cure the poison or heal his foot.... If I cure the poison his feet has to cure itself even it takes a week because this poison is really dangerous I only can cure one thing because to overcome the effects of this poison... I can't use my powers for two weeks " he explained

" Then cure the poison hyung.....we can always wait till he gets better but ofcourse we can't let him die" Jungkook said firmly making Jin nod. He closed his eyes and touched his forehead against Taehyung's making a white light glow between them . When the light disappear they found a unconscious Jin and Taehyung.

Yoongi immediately checked both of thier pulse and sighed in relief when he found both of them were now safe." They are alright.. might woke up till morning" he said making all sigh in relief. " We should take them to some safe and better place " Hoseok suggested to which everyone nodded.

" Jungkook you can carry Taehyung and I'll carry Jin " Yoongi said to which Jungkook nodded and took Taehyung towards a cave they found  it was big enough for all of them and was safe also . Yoongi was about to carry Jin when Namjoon stopped him " hyung I can carry him if you don't mind you already have injuries on your hand and shoulder " he asked to Yoongi nodded.

He carried Jin and when the other snuggled a little in him he sighed in relief. Now he was satisfied that his love was fine and safe as he finally held him in his arms . He sighed happily and walked towards the cave . while Yoongi was shaking his head chucking softly when he eyed Namjoon and Jungkook.

" Do they really think I can't see how whipped they are?"

While another person was watching him listening to his words he smiled sadly.

" You can see how everyone feels for other but not me ...looks like I am the most unimportant one that you can't understand me.........."


Hope you enjoyed.

Yaah why don't you guys ever reply if  I asked something?

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