Start from the beginning

Krisha was little bit known to what he was saying still wanting a clear view asked out.


He chuckled at her and pecked a light kiss on her lips. His finger traced her lips then her jawline then the part of neck and finally stopped at her cleavage. She widened her eyes and gulped down.

"These plans! I can't control myself to ravish your soft skin with my lips."

She gasped at his bold words and hitted on his arm yawning the palm aside.

"Shameless! You can't think anything good___"

"Atleast not for you!" She glared with her eyes but her smile betrayed her and she hid her face on his chest.

Ritvik laughed aloud and wrapped up her into his embrace.

After sometime he stood up and outstretched his palm for her. She placed hers over his and stood up beside. He suddenly pulled her and she dashed up to him. Her bosom squeezed with his toned chest and she looked up at his charming smile yet devilish smirk.

"Will you like to have a dance with your soon to be husband?"

She shook her head at his unusually romantic soul.

"Like you will cancel it if I denied?"

"That's a different case! I can read your mind and your mind is screaming Yes!" He said moving with her as their hands intertwined perfectly like puzzles.

He leaned closer to her as his nose nuzzled the sensitive skin of her nape. She closed her eyes and clutched his palm tightly resting her head on his shoulder. Ritvik left her hands and slided his own on her waist. They both still moving with the lyrics of the soothing romantic music.

He traced to South and reached till her mid thighs where her outfit ends and her bare skin meets his palm. She moaned softly when he squeezed his palm there whereas his lips working on her shoulder blades and cleavage.

They were so much in each other that didn't realise a waiter calling them.

Finally the realisation hitted him and he pulled out. Fortunately ritvik's figure was completely covering hers which saved her from the embarrassment.

She adjusted her outfit and then the waiter served their food. Once he left they settled back on their places.

"I will complete it later."

He whispered to add more colour in her already red face. She ignored him and focused on the food while he reached out on her thigh.

"Stay away from me!" She warned but only if he listen.

"Like I care?"

"Huh! You are shameless!"

"Thanks for the lovely compliment!" She was shocked but then shook her head and he chuckled.



Whole Kashyap mansion was decorated with yellow and white flowers and the matching curtains. It was haldi ceremony  and the next day their marriage.

Few relatives were called by both sides and some of their friends. Everyone including the parents and the siblings were engrossed with arrangements.

Here little ishaan puffed up his cheeks when he saw both his parents busy with Ahaan. He looked around with his button eyes and went upward to his favorite uncle's room.

"Rituu!!" He yelled and jumped on ritvik who happily bounced him in air and back to his arms.

"How are you champ?"

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