3.4~ Three Schools, One Winner

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Ginny waved her arms around, "Hold up people, are we just gonna skip over the part that said her mom drugged her!?"

"It's chill, we've talked it through." Alice wave her off, not thinking over her words that made no sense to anyone.

To say that Astrid didn't know how to respond would be an understatement. "I-I, um Alice, your mom probably loves you a lot—"

"I know she does," Alice butt in sharply. "Which is why I know that she won't be coming back for me. They say that she's missing, but I know she's gone."

"Alice, its only been two weeks," Astrid tried to sooth the fire, noticing Alice's nails digging into her small hands. "She could still be out there."

"She left me though, I thought mom's are supposed to stay and take care of their babies?" She sounded so confused and just young, her watercolored eyes filled with unshed tears. "I never thought she would leave me for my dad..." 

Astrid froze, her body not knowing what to do, brain not knowing what to say. So, she pulled the girl into her lap, letting her curl into her shoulder and cry for the first time since she was left. Tears soaked into her grey sweater but her hand just stroked the blonde hair softly.

The two girls sat there for almost an hour, the down pour of rain representing the mood surrounding the two. Embers of the fire crackled in the background, warming up the library to a degree that made Alice concerned for the books sake. Astrid spoke in a hushed tone like they were exchanging a secret. "Do you want to sneak into the kitchens and make tea?"

Then, for the first time since she had arrived, Alice smiled softly. It was a day of firsts, bad and good. "I would love to." She latched her hand onto the red head's, pulling her to where she imagined the kitchens might be...............

Now, sped forward by seven years, the same blonde girl was glaring daggers from her currently red eyes. Her vision shifted from the ugly man at the front to the girl by her side. Sabrina and her were around the same height, aka they were both short. The Parkinson girl shared a worried look with her, this definitely was not allowed. Mad-Eye Moody was currently having the Fourth year Gryffindors and Slytherins be put under the imperium curse.

Regulus's nails dug into his skin, he could murder the man now and then he could never hurt his daughter in the future.

Barty leaned over, "I'll kill him for you Reg, just say the word."

He laughed lowly, "Thanks Barty,"

"Nah," Barty leaned back, "Can I be the godfather?"

"Sure, I don't care."

Hermione was the first to protest the situation, "But- but you said it's illegal, Professor. You said to use it against another human being is- is—"

"Dumbledore wants you to be taught what is feels like and how to break it. If you want to learn the hard way, completely fine by me. Leave." The teacher continued to clear a large area, not looking back once to see if Hermione actually left—which she did, with bright pink cheeks.

One by one, the students fell out of the line of doom and into the center to be placed under the curse. Alice was cursing the gods, Dumbledore, Moody, practically anything possible at the moment—hell, she even though about cursing DADA until she remembered that it was her best class because she liked the magic.

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