3.3~ Back to Hogwarts

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Word count: 6.5 thousand


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B A C K   T O   H O G W A R T S

THE SCENE OPENED UP WITH THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS. Smoke floated through the air, forcing burning chemicals into the lungs of the many families standing on the platform, sending off their kids. One family in particular held up lots of traffic, considering there were ten of them it made sense.

Mrs. Weasley hugged her daughter in one arm, her youngest son in the other. Ginny wiggled out of her mum's grasp, latching onto her older brother Charlie. He stood tall with a wide grin as he looked down at her. "I might be seeing you all sooner than you think,"

Fred narrowed his eyes in response, "Why?"

"You'll see, just don't tell Perc I said anything."

Cooper stood awkwardly away from the family, sure they had invited him into their home and never seemed rude, but he could tell that Harry was practically a part of their lives while he wasn't. And the boy was very much so fine with that. So, he coughed slightly, directing attention over to him. "Ima just," his hands pointed to the door that would lead him into the train. "Thank you for everything, your family is lovely."

Ron chuckled, "You act so awkward at times, mate."

"Leave me alone. I had barely known your family then."

With that he slipped away, dragging his trunk behind him. Ginny followed after him, searching for an almost white haired girl with pale blue eyes. The two knew they would find their girls in the same place, Sabrina and Will were probably off being disgustingly cute.

The couple in question blushed, their hands being held together.

The ginger and ravenette stopped in front of a sliding door where they could hear two soft voices speaking. As they stepped inside, the vocal cords of the two were suddenly stripped away. Cooper and Ginny both exchanged a side look before gazing back on the two silent blue eyed girls, both of which, stared at them, only blinking slightly.

"I'm pretty sure you two could be siblings," Ginny commented. "You act fairly similar at times."

"Luna? Alice?" Cooper moved forward, his hand tucked into his jeans. "Whatcha doin?"

Luna let her pink glasses with one blue lens and one pink fall back over her eyes, reading the Quibbler upside down once more. The older girl huffed, "Not much, waiting for you lods to get here so we can play exploding snap."

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