2.6- A Failed Rescue Mission

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i never read this over, comment my grammar mistakes if you want and feel free to shame because I place my blame on the fact that I have auto correct

VOTE-COMMENT-ENJOYi never read this over, comment my grammar mistakes if you want and feel free to shame because I place my blame on the fact that I have auto correct

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Tiny Alice swam across the bloody moat, avoiding the rotting heads, which are as large as boulders to her. When she reaches the other side, she pulls herself out, lurching over to vomit onto the ground. She wiped a pale hand across her mouth and looked up at the wall she had to scale, fortunately covered with tangled vines. Remembering the hat, she called across to the Bloodhound.

Will gagged at the sight of all the heads, his head dipping down to hide his disgust. The sound turned quite a few heads and had Alice giggling over her friends gag reflex, whispering to Rina and asking if she had the same one.

"The Hat!" She yelled, attempting to get her voice to carry.

He picked up the Hat in his teeth, turned in a circle like a disc thrower and released it. The Hat sailed across the moat and landed nearby. Alice grabbed a vine and pulled herself up. She reached down for the Hat with her other hand. Fingers scrapping the black fabric more than twice before she snatched if.

Then she began the slow climb upward pulling the Hat behind her. She heard the Bloodhound bay his farewell, but she doesn't look back. She finally reached the top, pulling the satin Hat up. Alice pushed it over the other side. Wincing at the pain from the Bandersnatch wound on her arm, she lost her grip and her eyes trailed across the perfectly blue sky as she fell backwards off the wall. The winds pushing against her, gravity obviously not in her favor, bringing her minuscular body closer and closer to its doom.

"Suicidal" Neville spat out, his eyes beading in the direction of her. Alice's shoulders squeezed down, contracting themselves to make her appear smaller. She knew how much pain she had put everyone through within these last two years.

..........making a hard landing mere inches away from the hat. Standing up, she winced again, rubs her arm. "Couldn't have fallen on the hat." Alice muttered to herself, brushing off her dress for the billionth time since she had fallen through that stupid hole. She heard a loud WHACK, a small cry of pain, then cheers and laughter. She looked through the bushes, eyes blown wide at the sight before her.

She saw a well-manicured lawn where the Queen and her Courtiers play croquet. The Red Queen with her huge head was surrounded by several powdered and painted COURTIERS with equally sized body parts: a woman with an EXTRA-LARGE NOSE, another with LONG HANGING EARS, a man with a HUGE, PROTRUDING BELLY.

"They all look so....strange." Sabrina's words were dry in her mouth.

The Duchess was also there with her pig baby. Whereas the moat was horrific, this sight is bizarre, even grotesque-
The Queen swings her pink mallet. There's the  small cry again. Alice looks around, unsure of the source.

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