1.10 The Quidditch Match

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[we see Harry flying around, his robes flying in the air]Cooper has the quaffle in his hand and scores a point

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[we see Harry flying around, his robes flying in the air]
Cooper has the quaffle in his hand and scores a point. Flint high fives him as they fly after the ball again. Over in the stands Alice and Sabrina are shivering from the cold rain that was coming down in sheets. "Do you see Coop?" William shouted over the cheering and wind. "No. Harry's up there though." Sabrina pointed at the other Potter twin the was flying up way high. His hand was outstretched, he had found the snitch. "It looks like Harry has spotted the snitch. Malfoy's coming up behind him. Come on Harry! Don't let the snakes win!" Lee screamed into his mic.

The hall was silent, everyone was concentrating on the screen before them.

Harry shoots up until no one can see him. Draco stopped flying once the clouds were in sight. Harry looks over at the clouds where the shape of a dog is formed, he frowns and it disappears. His hand outstretched toward the snitch when his glasses ice over. Cooper frowns as he looks up and can't see Harry. He starts to fly upward closer to his twin.

Marcus Flint is shouting at him to come back but he was flying straight up to Harry. Once he gets up there he sees the dementors flying close to them and before the two can fly down they start to fall downward, their brooms falling a different direction.

Lily grasps onto her sons in worry, forgetting they were there.

Alice stood up and rushed down the steps, hopping two at a time, William and Sabrina behind her. Then the screen goes black.

"Mom, calm down were fine" Lily glared over at the two. "I'm not letting you two play Quidditch in the future." James and the twins let out gasps. "Lily flower, you can't do that!" James tried to convince his lover but she wasn't budging.

Ron stood over Harry's bed with the Gryffindor team behind him. "He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he." Fred scoffed in disbelief, "Peaky! He just fell fifty feet ." "Yeah, c'mon Ron. We'll walk you off the astronomy tower and see how you come out looking." The other Weasley twin commented.

"They will do no such thing!" Molly scolded the boys on the screen.

"Probably better than what he normally looks like" Harry grunted as he tried to sit up. "Harry!" Hermione exclaimed rushing over to his bedside. "How you feeling mate?" Ron clapped his shoulder. "Brilliant, where's Cooper? Is he okay?" Harry looked at his team. They parted to show Cooper lying in a bed across from him with Alice asleep in a chair next to him.

"Aww you two care about me" Cooper batted his eyelashes at the two. "Sometimes" "Nope"

"He's still asleep" Ron told him before they stared to all talk at once about what happened. "Really! Who won the match?"

Lily threw her hands up in defeat mumbling about how they only care about the game and not if they survive.

Hermione tried to console him, "No one blames you Harry. The dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore, he saved you both, then sent them straight off." Harry asked again who won. "Us" Alice said as she walked over. Harry flopped back down onto his bed. "Go back to your boyfriend snake. We don't need you making Harry's condition worse." Angelina told her with a face of disgust.

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