1.0 Visitors at Breakfast

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This has been revamped

A COOL AIR SETTLED IN THE MIST of the Great Hall the quite normal day of January the third. Everyone was eating breakfast normally, munching on toast and sipping hot drinks in attempts to warm up their cold hands. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until a pile of movies dropped from the sky painted ceiling and onto the teacher's table at the front of the hall. Not many people managed to miss the large thud, resulting in a quick silence. Suddenly, a scrolled up letter appeared in Dumbledore's hand. His eyes scanned the paper, brows furrowing before he loudly cleared his throat to read aloud.

Dear past occupants of Hogwarts,

I am Mother Magic, the very being that allows your veins to blossom. Me and my counterparts have decided that the past must view the future in attempts to stop what has occurred to a specific girl in her quests to save the future.

There will be arrivals shortly, they have been trying to travel to the past themselves with no success.. All of these young adults coming to you are the future generation, some of them being your children. Read them this letter and watch the movies that have been left with you.

A few people that you might recognize will also be appearing. Please refrain from fighting, I do not wish to take away your magic abilities.


Mother Magic

Not even a second had past before the whispers began, asking one another if this was just another prank by the marauders. But taking one look at James Potter's confusion face would tell them their very answer, not that they knew he and his friends were the marauders. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black both made eye contact with James, a silent conversation flew over the head of the girls of Gryffindor sitting beside them. Peter Pettigrew, the last member of their group, was missing from the Great Hall, no doubt still sleeping in confusion.

Then, the doors belonging to the great hall creaked open, drawing the attention to the three sisters that stood there. It was the Black sisters: Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. The eldest, Bellatrix, shot a quick look to brunette sister, Andromeda ignoring her. Beside them was Molly Weasley and her husband Author Weasley.

The five made curious looks at one another before walking into the Great Hall. Molly opened her mouth to speak, beating Andromeda at talking.

"Dumbledore, what on earth are we doing her?" She asked, a protective hand around her small stomach that was growing a child inside of it.

Dumbledore reread the letter, faces of confusion being left on everyone. "I am to believe it is real until proved false, for that, we are to wait for these new people to arrive."

And wait they did.

For about five deathly long minutes, then everything happened so fast.

People began dropping from what looked like a gold hole in the ceiling. Most of them fell into a pile, only a few landing straight on the floor. One redhead boy hit the floor so hard that the occupants of the hall winced, expecting blood when he groaned.

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