2.3- The walk

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Hatter quickly placed the teapot onto the table and lifted the lid up, revealing a very small Alice

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Hatter quickly placed the teapot onto the table and lifted the lid up, revealing a very small Alice. Hatter helps the girl out of the pot and onto the edge of the pot. She notices that he is bleeding and looks behind her to see the mouse spitting water, half drowned. Alice looks beside the small white mouse to see the Hare coughing up his lungs while he rubs his neck.

A guilty look takes her face as she turns back to the crazed man. "I wish I could help you. But I'm not who you think I am." Her face flashes different emotions by the second, mostly flipping between guilty and a want to run away.

Remus looked down at his boyfriends face, "How many times do you think that has been said?"

He chuckled in response, "Too many, Moons"

Hatter lifted her up onto his palm to talk, "You'll speak to Absolem. He'll know who you are."

"But can he tell me how to get home?" She sighed at her words. "He's wise. He's absolute. He's Absolem."

He set her back down onto the table that had destroyed by the Knave of Knights. "Do you have any of that cake that made me grow before?" A twinge of hope lit up in her glittering ocean colored eyes. "Do you mean upelkuchen? Do we have any, Thackery?" The doormouse questioned. The hare looked under the table in response, shaking his head no to her. "Sorry no upelkuchen"

Hatter swept off his hat, letting it sit close to the table, "Your carriage, mademoiselle" She blinked back, "You mean the hat?" Her voice sounded like it was mixed with confusion and sarcasm.

"Well we know she has the sarcasm" Copper said aloud, groaning when Sabrina punched his arm.

"Anyone can travel by horse or rail. But only the best people travel by Hat." He told her with a smile. Alice climbed up onto his top hat and sits on the crown.
"By the way, Thackery, how is a raven like a writing desk?" The Hare scoffed at his friends words, "If you don't know,I'm not telling-"

"Solid response"

"-Ta-ta, Alice." The Hare waved goodbye, which she mirrored.

They start of, the Doormouse following.  "I can't wait to see what Absolem does when he finds out she's pretending to be the Alice."

Sabrina glared at the on screen creature, "I'm not cinderella, which means I'm not afraid to kill a rodent. These heels will kill!" William just patted her head from a distance, "Good Sabrina. Nice Sabrina."

The mouse shook with excitement at the thought. "Sorry, Mallymkun. Just us this time. You know how Absolem can get." The Dormouse frowns, jealousy in her eyes.

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