1.9 Fat Lady gets attacked

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Unedited or read through so read at own risk
[camera shows Alice with her head on Sabrina's lap as the girl brushed her hair.]

"Alice are you asleep? Alllliiii." She singsonged, setting down the wooden brush. Then several knocks were heard from their door. "Come in" she called assuming it was Cooper but when she looked up it was Theo and Blaise. "You two need to come. Now" Blaise told the two, out of breath. Sabrina shook Alice until the blonde bolted upward. "Come on we have to go." They grabbed each others hands as they hurried down the steps, following Blaise as Theo took the back.

"Woah. What's going on?" Remus asked the group with wide curious eyes. "You'll see" Luna softly said with her chime like voice.

All the Slytherin were being rushed out of there common room, younger ones already outside waiting to be told what to do. Sabrina grasped Alice's hand tighter to make sure that she didn't lose the girl. They were all brought into the great hall with the other three houses. Three looked around confused while the red and gold lions all clung to their friends in fear.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told them as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed all doors into the hall. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he noted to Percy. "You will also be needing these." He said as he waved his wand, making hundreds of thin purple sleeping bags appear. "Sleep well" was the last thing he told the students with twinkling eyes before he shut the doors, locking them inside.

"Still haven't been told what's happening." Sirius complained to the future kids who rolled their eyes at his childish nature.

Ginny made her way over to Sabrina and Alice, Cooper following the redhead with Will. She plopped down before saying ouch from the hard ground. Alice walked toward Cooper when Rina let go of her. She stood still for a minute before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. "Why are we here?" Will asked the youngest of the group. "Oh apparently Alice's psycho uncle got into Hogwarts somehow and almost got into the Gryffindor common room. So now they're doing a full search of the grounds." The ginger told them calmly as if it was just a mere conversation about lunch.

"Bloody hell Siri. You've upped your game as an adult." Bella breathed out, turning her head to see her cousins shocked face. "Also Alice damn that boy really loved you that young too!" The blondes face turned pink and she squeaked, "I wasn't in love at thirteen! We didn't even date till the fifth year."

"Denial" Regulus hummed under his breath making Alice's eyes grow big. "Dad!" He laughed at her shocked face before realizing how nice it was to have her call him dad.

"Gin this is serious. He wants to kill Alice and the Potters." Ginny looked over at the two standing teens. Cooper had moved his chin to the top of her head and patted her hair with one hand as the other gripped her in a hug. The two weren't that different in height, only a couple inches. "Cooper, Alice are you with us?" Sabrina snapped her fingers near the two. Cooper started to draw back before Alice did the same confused. They stood with their lips a few inches apart for a minute. He stared at her before snapping his head toward their friends, blushing. Alice went back to leaning on him. "Focused on us now and not the tired girl?" Ginny raised an eyebrow as the raven haired boy. "I'm focused okay!" "Geez got it"

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