2.3 Hatter

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-Sup people, thanks for 11k love you all
          -me six days ago when we weren't at 12k yet

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Stayn sits astride his Red Panther as the Knights hold a growling bloodhound bound by a spiked collar and heavy ropes

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Stayn sits astride his Red Panther as the Knights hold a growling bloodhound bound by a spiked collar and heavy ropes. "Find the scent of human girl"

"Aren't you a witch?" Sirius stupidly said, causing Remus to smack the back of his head with a towel. His niece just rolled her eyes, "Yes Siri, I am a witch"

The Bloodhound talks with an an exotic accent, "Find it yourself, ye urpal slackum scrum"
The Knights jerk the ropes, driving the spikes into his neck. "Help us find the girl and you will
earn your freedom. The Bloodhound considers the offer. "For my wife and pups as well?"

Molly  sighed at the tone, "He's just trying to protect his family"

The knight nodded, "Everyone goes home"

The Bloodhound sniffs the ground, picking up Alice's trail. He bays and runs off. Stayn strokes his panther's neck. The panther laughed to his owner, "Dogs will believe anything"

Molly gasped in horror, along with several other people. "Are you guys really that surprised? We just saw the Red Queen and look at her." Sabrina crossed her arms.


The Blood hound sniffs  the ground. It howls again, following Alice's path into the woods.

Scene shifts to show Alice with Cheshire.

As Alice and the Cat proceed, he disappears the reappears again up ahead. "This way" He told her, doing his magic trick of teleporting again. "Over here" He called, much further ahead than Alice.

"Will you stop doing that!" Alice huffed as she trudged towards him. "The Queen's soldiers are everywhere. I'd like to keep my head if  you don't mind. Here we are." They arrived at the forests edge to find a home with a long table full of inhabitants outside.

The house is a living thing.......part hare part house. The chimneys are ears, roof thatched with fur. The picket fence is rabbits feet, the doorknob being a bunny's tail. Windows are pink rabbits eyes that are big and round as the blink over and over again.

"Ella" "Yea?"

"I'm sending you my therapy bill and their number"

A tea party is in the progress in the yard. The March Hare suffers a mental disorder. He's slovenly. His nice clothes have gone to seed and he twitches.

(Screams with excitement)

The Mad Hatter wears a colorful, odd mixture of clothing from across time, including the iconic tattered top hat. He has an intense energy driven by his passion for the "cause" which lends him a very sexy quality. (Excuse me?)

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒|| wtm hpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora