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“So, what I’m quite curious to know here is what dad said when you told him about this craziness of yours.” Kim said while Kinn poured some wine into his glass. “What wouldn’t I give to see his reaction to it...”

“Judging the fact that he’s not here, I think he wasn’t the biggest fan of the idea” Tankhun said, getting a warning glance from Kinn, which he only gave a shrug of shoulder in response. “That pep talk about his health didn’t convince anyone, Kinn”.

Kinn straighten himself on his chair, right beside Porsche, and took a sip from his own glass. After the meeting, Porsche suggested this place, a little far away from the downtown, to dinner. Pete found the place quite lovely with the large garden where the tables were at and the romantic atmosphere that the candles on the tables and the little lights above their heads gave. The fact that it was a lovely night with a pleasant weather just made him even more comfortable with the place. He even thought about coming back again with Vegas, only the two of them.

It’s been quite some time since all of them reunited as big family to have a meal together and Pete believed that they never reunite the two families to share a moment as one, like they were doing that night. Right after the conflict eight months ago, Kim and Chay went for a trip together, Pete himself was too focused on Vegas’s health to going out with the others and Kinn and Porsche were completely absorbed in work to even have time to do it so. But that night, he was feeling quite happy to see everybody there, sitting by the table, laughing, eating and drinking together, especially because Vegas and Macau – his own little family – were there as well. 

They had to put three tables together to accommodate everybody and they were still waiting for more, since Kinn insisted in calling Tae, Time and Tem.

“To be honest, I couldn’t know. We had a conversation where he asked me about my first plans as a leader and I told him that I was considering the idea of going legal. I explained everything and how I wanted to do it.” Kinn finally answered. “He listened to me patiently and after that, he went silent, got up from his chair and went back to his room. Next day I heard that he took a plane with some bodyguards and didn’t say to anybody where he was going. He only came back when I told his bodyguards that Kim was coming home.”

Pete felt his heart sink inside his chest. He knew how important it was for Kinn to always have his dad’s approval to basically anything on his life. The fact that his father had chosen Kinn to succeed after him in the family business wasn’t only because Tankhun wasn’t in any conditions to deal with the family, but also because he trusted Kinn to be as greater as he thought he one day was as leader. And that kind of thing always weighted on Kinn’s shoulder, forcing him to always try be a better version of himself. Because of that, this silent behavior coming from his father and the lack of support, it must have felt like a punch in the guts for him.

Pete saw that Porsche had placed a hand on Kinn’s back, a kind gesture of support that Pete saw they sharing a couple of times before.

“So let me guess”. Kim started again. “He’s not talking to you since.”

Kinn went silent at that, but everyone in the table knew the answer already. Vegas smirked and Pete looked at him, even Pete himself was now doubting if the whole talk about Kinn's father health was even true and to be honest, he wasn’t going to be surprise if it wasn’t.

“I wish I could say to you to ignore and say this is just a shitty Theerapanyakul men behavior.” Vegas said. “But your dad still has a lot of influence, even if he’s not the leader anymore. And I would be investigating this secret trip if I was you.”

“So, you’re saying that our dad would betray us?” Tankhun asked in disbelief. “I think I hit you in the head too hard that last time”.

In the past, Pete would disagree with Vegas, saying that Khun Korn would never be capable of doing something like that. But now, Pete knew about his actions in the past and how everything he did always had some kind of bad repercussion to the second family and, occasionally, even to the first family as well. He still respected Khun Korn a lot and would always be grateful to everything that he has done for Pete, but he couldn’t find himself trusting him like he once was.

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