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That night, Pete couldn’t sleep.

It’s been a week since they reunited all the personnel working at their house to inform about Kinn’s plans. Differently from the people who worked for Kinn and his father, the people hired by Khun Kun were mostly orphans, ex-convicts, scammers, people who used to work for other families and on and on. Back in the day, Khun Kun prioritized people’s will to live and to do anything to achieve that, rather than anything else. They were talented people when they were talking about the art of killing, but when the subject was capability of working with something that didn’t involve illegal stuff, things were completely different. At the main family manor, most of the employees had degrees, worked with something else in the past or were too young and still have time to specialize in something else, like Pete himself; they weren’t totally dependent on them like the second family’s personnel was. With the process to becoming legal, a lot of them were not going to be able to continue working for them, as there’s hardly going to be a place for them in the new business.

So, when they heard about the news, there was some commotion. Kinn suggested offering one year of salary paid and a good indemnity for those who wished to leave the family, but Vegas was quite against it. Since the conflict between the two families, they were pretty short on people, so much that they needed to hire new employees to guarantee the survival of the family and the second family business. Vegas believed in loyalty above all things, so he didn’t offered a out like Kinn did. These people were Vegas’s family too and Pete knew that he wouldn’t give them away like that.

But still, there was a commotion.

The smiles and the cheering with Vegas being put back at the second family leader position were soon replaced by the angry and confused looks brought by the news. But Vegas was not dumb, he knew that some people would try to do something. Some might betray them; some might try to kill them and some might try to even steal from them to start fresh somewhere new; which was already enough to leave Pete feeling completely uneasy. And on top of that, the meeting that Kinn and Vegas had with the Huàng family was still haunting Pete’s mind with worries. He very much doubted they would accept a no for an answer. And Vegas must know that as well, but being him, he would refuse to show worries in front of Pete, which Pete hated sometimes.

So, because of that, Pete couldn’t sleep.

He turned to his right side and smiled when he saw Vegas sound asleep, one hand under his cheek and his mouth slightly open.

He must be exhausted from the crazy routine they were having that week – all of them were - plus all the pressure that he must’ve been feeling with the business negotiations with the other families. That week, Kinn decided to tell his plans to the Lerttravinont Family since they had business with the Theerapanyakul’s regarding the gun’s commercialization. Tae’s family was the only one who had authorization to import and export weapons in Thailand, authorization that was granted thanks to Vegas’s and Kinn’s family. Because of that, thirty percent of their profit stayed with the Theerapanyakul and all the families under their orders could only pursue Lerttravinont branded guns. It wasn’t a difficult meeting, since Tae’s father always trusted on Kinn’s potential to rule the family business and they were not going to be affected by this decision. At least not financially.

Once the family was legalized, Tae’s family would continue to lead the Weapon’s business, being responsible for the commercialization. The deal with the authorities would still go on and they would take care so the other families would still keep their deal intact. To be honest, Tae’s father was more than happy to rule this branch of the business and keep all the profit from himself. Of course he would never say this to them, but Pete and Vegas knew that was the truth.

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