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Not longer after the nurses came out of his room, there was a light knock on the door followed by the sound of it opening to reveal a tall figure, all dressed up in medical scrubs. He seemed a bit older, Pete noticed, but he still clasped his hands together and greeted him respectfully when he saw that Pete was awake (and crying happy tears just after being asked in marriage). Doctor Gabriel Fierce, as he introduced himself, came to check on Pete’s vitals and explained to him a little bit about his current health situation.

Apparently, he had a major trauma on his arm, that now was tightly wrapped up in a cast with two screws inside his bones, which made Pete feel a little bit like Frankenstein. Then, the doctor kindly asked him to lift the hospital shirt he was wearing to reveal a large dressing set on his left side, which left Pete a little startled. Doctor Gabriel gently lifted the bandage to show him the four tiny incisions that were made there, each of them looking a little purpleish, but the doctor explained it was normal, just like the swelling on Pete’s abdomen due to the surgery and that it would soon go away. He then explained to Pete that two of his ribs were broken, which was causing the amount of pain he was feeling previously and, to Pete’s surprise, he also told him about the huge laceration he had on his spleen. That injury caused a massive hemorrhage that was responsible for his blood pressure instability and, furthermore, his baby’s heartbeats dropping the night before. Those four tiny incisions, the doctor explained, were from the removal of his organ, according to him, beyond any repair.

“But don’t worry.” The doctor said when he saw Pete’s worried expression. “We gave you some blood and one of my colleagues is checking the baby’s heartbeat since yesterday and they look normal. Your baby is more than okay.”

That sentence made Pete release the breath he didn’t even know he was holding. The doctor proceeded to explain to him about the medications he would be given and how safe they were for pregnant people; about physiotherapy and the unpleasant fact that his ribs would probably hurt during all his pregnancy as the baby would grow and press on them constantly. Pete heard all the information holding Vegas’s hand tightly and occasionally looking at him just to find a very focused expression on his face as he was hearing the doctor’s words. Despite the information he learned be a little concerning and some of them even disappointing to hear, Pete couldn’t care less about what he would feel in the future or what was taken out of him; none of that matter as long as the baby was fine and healthy.

Was that the feeling people talked so much about?

When doctor Gabriel was done speaking and sure that neither Pete or Vegas had any more questions to him, he offered a polite smile and a respectful nod with his head to both of them, wishing Pete a good recovery and asking Vegas to take good care of his patient. Then, doctor Gabriel left the room silently, leaving Vegas and Pete alone again.

There was a bit of a headache starting to form and Pete was feeling quite exhausted, like he spent the entire night exercising. He was ready to tell Vegas that he really wanted to take a nap when his eyes meet his boyfriend’s face, already smiling at him. To Pete’s surprise, without him noticing, one of Vegas’s hands slipped to the bottom of his abdomen, tracing gentle circles there.

“What are you doing...?” Pete asked trying to hold a smile while staring Vegas’s hands.

Vegas frowned and look at his own hands.

“Ahhmm... Maybe that will help with the pain you were feeling.” He said after cleaning his throat.

“You know the pain is on my ribs, right? Very much above from where you are and very much to the side.” Pete teased. “You can tell me when you worry, you know?”

A Life with Him [VegasXPete]Where stories live. Discover now