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Pete looked at his own reflection in the mirror for what he believed to be the tenth time already, adjusting his clothes anxiously and turning around to see if everything was fitting okay. Looking one more time at the watch on his wrist, he saw it was 6:30 am, which meant that in less than two hours, he would be sitting with Helse Industries’ manager, Yoon Seok Woo, to finally carry on with their plan of exposing ChiaoXiang and his criminal company.

And, of course, that morning, he was on edge; especially without a proper night of sleep.

They spent the night before working on creating the perfect identity for him to present to Yoon Seok Woo during today’s meeting, the most believable credentials to make Pete an eligible candidate to the hidden business behind Helse. During his search, Arm was able to find a specific profile that usually made ChiaoXiang want to include certain business partners in the real business. The people he used to invite were mostly owners of big companies, famous to the public and well known for receiving government investment and support. For what Pete saw, everything was like a hidden community, where people need an invitation to be part of and were completely prohibited to mention any of what they did to others.

After knowing that, Pete’s main goal became to be invited to that community.

To get that, he would introduce himself as Meng Yichang, the owner of a hospital chain inside Thailand. With his mother being a Taiwanese woman and his father a Thai man, Pete’s character would be the perfect combination of things that would certainly hit ChiaoXiang’s interest and even better, would hit home. Kinn spend a lot of money to make things as believable as possible and with Arm’s hard work, it would be impossible for ChiaoXiang to discover who Pete really was; there would be an infinite list of things that would catch his eye way before he even question something. Pete’s character would be a rich heir of a Thai health conglomerate and owner of a well build image, according to what ChiaoXiang believed to be economically attractive.

“Good morning.” Pete whispered when he felt a particularly strong squirm on his

belly. “I thought you wouldn’t show any time soon.”  

Venice was quiet all the time he was working inside the police station, Pete noticed. It was almost like she could feel how tensed up he was and just decided to stay quiet, making her presence as discrete as possible.

He didn’t know if it was because he was full of energy again once the first trimester was over or if it was because he was too nervous to even feel sleepy, but despite staying up all night and having slept only one hour before having to woke up again to get ready for the meeting, Pete wasn’t feeling too much tired. Charlie did an amazing job hiding the dark circles under his eyes anyway and the whole outfit Pete was wearing was also adding to his looks that morning.

With Charlie’s help, Pete was able to find clothes that did their best to make the pregnancy not that obvious but also keep things formal and classic; the tailored dark gray pants fitted perfectly on his hips and the blazer Charlie chose to put on top of his white shirt was a bit larger, but still perfectly fitting. She also asked Pete to brush his hair back and put some fancy cologne she also chose. He was in the process of putting small pearls earrings on when he heard the familiar beep coming from the door.  

“You look... like a Theerapanyakul man.” Charlie teased while getting inside the room again, carrying two plastic bags with food inside. “I should quit being bodyguard and start my styling business. Damn, I’m good at that!”

Pete laughed at her statement and turned his eyes directly to the bags she was carrying, suddenly curious about the aroma coming out of them. Charlie walked towards the small table in the corner of the room to place the bags there and the place was soon filled with the wonderful aroma of food, reminding Pete how hungry he was.

A Life with Him [VegasXPete]Where stories live. Discover now