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“Is this seat taken?”

Pete, who was looking down at the plastic cup on his hands, too immersed in his own thoughts to even pay enough attention at his surroundings, suddenly looked up to see a woman standing right in front of him.

She was holding her baby bump with one hand and smiling at him with some kind of expectation on her face, patiently waiting for his answer; Pete quickly turned his head to the seat next to him, where he placed his coat on top of the chair, and with a embarrassed smile, he removed the piece of clothing from there. He was so distracted that he didn’t even notice how crowded the clinic really was and selfishly occupied a seat with his belongings.

“I’m sorry about that.” He said, still shy. “Please have a seat.”

The woman bowed politely at him and eased herself down in the chair next to Pete with quite some effort. She must be quite far along, Pete thought, judging by the size of her bump and how difficult it was for her to do a simple task like sitting on a chair. For a moment, he wondered if she was alone and felt a bit sad for her, having to walk around in that state without anyone to help her out a little bit; he even thought if things would be like that for him in a couple of months.

The thought left him feeling a bit disappointed.

“Are you also in the middle of the “Full Bladder” journey?” she asked, a bit out of breath after the whole ordeal. “I see you also have a cup there.”

“The... what?” Pete asked, still a bit confused.

If he was being honest, Pete was a bit off since he woke up that morning. After all, that day was being as rough on him as it could be.

While he was getting ready to travel back to Bangkok, knowing that Vegas wouldn’t be there with him during the doctor’s appointment, Pete immediately felt his mood go down a little bit. Then he had to explain to his grandparents that he wouldn’t be coming back to their house when the appointment was over, since he would be flying to Korea with Charlie and Arm to attend an “emergency business meeting”. Of course, his grandparents weren’t that happy with the news, especially because Pete was pregnant and they didn’t think a business trip would be suitable for him, but at least he managed to calm their nerves down and convince them of the need for him to go.

With much cost for sure.

And, besides all of that, there was the most annoying measure that Kinn imposed on Pete to let him travel: the bodyguards. One of Kinn’s conditions to let Pete travel to Korea was that he needed to be accompanied by two bodyguards, aside from Charlie and Arm, who were excellent ones already; because of that measure, Pete was now waiting for the doctor to call his name while two undercover bodyguards were watching him from afar, two pair of eyes constantly on him.

Pete knew the protocol.

And not only that, but he also followed that same protocol for years, but one thing was to watch over someone and another completely different was to be the person who’s being watched. He still wasn’t able to get used to that feeling of being constantly observed, the fear of what these two men could do if someone looking slightly suspicious approached Pete, especially inside of a clinic full of expectant parents.  So, Vegas’s absence, his grandparents staying in Chumphon alone with the rest of the family, the trip and the bodyguards there with him were enough reason for Pete to be a mess that day. His mind was too full of thoughts and worries for him to concentrate properly on what he was doing.

And that could be a dangerous thing, he knew. Therefore, another thing that left him on edge a little bit.

“Are you not...?” The woman frowned and her face immediately changed into an embarrassed expression. “Oh... I’m sorry for that. My husband used to tell me to not make assumptions right away, without talking properly with the person. I’m sorry about that. Are you here to accompany someone? Is your wife pregnant? A friend, perhaps?”

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