A Night Off!

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A beautiful day had started in the Clover Kingdom that was split between the Noble Realm, where the royalty and nobility live, the Common Realm, where the commoners live, and the Forsaken Realm, where the peasants live. Today the Black Bulls had their day off so that they could spend the money they earned and after all the battles. "What about this one?" A Maid was asking, holding up a dress.
"It's a little plain for Lady Anderea." Another had stated as she was brushing Anderea's hair.
"Then what of this dress?" A third maid asked, with a new dress in hand.
"I like that one." The one to answer had been the lady herself, smiling at the maids as she was satisfied.
"Then it's decided." None of them had disagreed with her. "What about jewels?"

After a few hours came to pass causing night to have fallen. However, despite it being night, the main palace was burning with life. A ball was taking place and many members of nobility gathered to take part. Each of them being announced upon entering. "Lady Anderea La has arrive!" The male servant announced loudly over the already packed hall. All heads had shifted towards the stairs as Anderea

 All heads had shifted towards the stairs as Anderea

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was gracefully walking down them. "How beautiful..." They were unable to tare their eyes away from her as she was descending the stairs.
"My lady." A hand had appeared in front of her after reaching the last step. She glanced to where it had extended from to find Fuegoleon, who was no different the normal.
"Leon, how rare for you to be here." Anderea spoke with a smile, placing her hand onto his.
"My father was unable to attend." Normally, the man wouldn't attend such things, however, it was different if the current head was unable to.
"Is he well?" This had been asked, because unlike his son the head rarely missed events because he loved spending time with his wife., who enjoyed balls.
"Yes, he just sprained his back." But if the man was unable to attend, his wife refused to either. The first sound of the Orchestra began to play and many couples were heading to the centre of the ballroom.
"May I have the honour of a dance?" Fuegoleon bowed politely towards Anderea.
"The honour is all yours." Which she agreed as they were also heading towards the dance floor as the music started. They were dancing gracefully across the floor, all eyes glued to them. They looked just like the couples from painting and stories. No one could say that they didn't suit one another.

Hours came to pass with the dancing and drinking, so the pair arrived at the Amazzonia castle where Fuegoleon was carrying Anderea up the stairs. It wasn't long before he had reached Anderea's room that had been opened by flames and walked to her open door. Out of habit, he entered slowly, letting his eyes scan everything. The last time he had been in her room was a few years ago, but not much changed as it appeared clean and organized.
"Hmmm...?" The sound of Anderea caught Fuegoleon by surprised, which caused him to look down. Her golden eyes were drowsy but open.
"Oh, you're awake." He spoke, which forced her to look up to him.
"Where are we?" She came to ask, slightly out of as she hadn't recognised her own room.
"It's your room." Had been the response.
"Room? Yay." Somehow, the woman managed to escape the man's arm and began stumbling inside.
"Rea." But watching her stumble caused Fuegoleon to follow after her.
"You want something?" She asked, heading over toward a cupboard which had a tea set and a large amount of tea boxes inside.
"No, I'm OK." he answered as he didn't want her to hurt herself severing tea as she was slightly drunk and sleepy. Hearing this, caused the woman to turn around and approached the man.
"Well, then, let's start." Anderea said, grabbing his coat, and pulled, leading him towards her large scale bed.
"Start?" Fuegoleon was a but confused about what she was on about.
"Oh Leon, You're in a room alone with a woman." Before he knew what happened, the man found himself on the bed and Anderea climbed on top of him. "We've done this many times before, remember?"
"Of course I remember." There was no way he could, those nights felt amazing. He also knew that he hadn't been the only one that experienced it either. Though he didn't like it, Anderea was a health woman who got along with Nozel just as much as with him. "However, this is ." He had pointed out to her, since they've never done it in her house before. The Crimson Lion's base and placed, but never there homes since their families lived their as well.
"We haven't?" She seemed a bit confused, titling her head. "Oh, it must have been Zel." But upon hearing this, Anderea's body had shifted as she had been pulled and before long it was Fuegoleon that was on top of her.
"So you've done it here with Nozel." Something in his eyes had changed. Even though he knew about her sleeping with Nozel, hearing her say it herself seemed to angered him more then he thought. "Fine, I'll do it like you wanted." A grin appeared Anderea's face because she liked the look in his eyes.

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