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A few hours had passed, Anderea was stealing down in the main hall, no one around. "So both Nebra and Solid are getting promotions, huh? Congratulations." She had said looking right at a Communication Magic Tools that uses Communication Magic or Transmission Magic which is a form of magic that allows the user to transmit and project auditory and visual information. It was a decider that used the same magic after being infused with it. "You must be happy you've gotten more stars, Nozel." The captain of the Silver Eagles and Anderea's childhood friend was being projected from the tool.
[Yes, this year my squad will be first.] He had said with much confidence.
"I don't doubt you can do it, however, I heard from Charlotte that Sol along with a group of Golden Dawn members also got one." The woman had stated, having spoken to the captain of the Blue Rose not that long ago.
[Well, it doesn't matter, because we'll win in the end.] He had stated, Anderea couldn't help but chuckle since the two of them had been competing since they were children. It did make sense, the three of them had their magic powers awoken around the same time. But Anderea never really understood why though, she wasn't like that with either of them, but then again when they were kids she remembered that the two of them would fight over who would play with her. Anderea never understood why they couldn't play together, even now they fight over who she spends time with. [As I thought...] Anderea was pulled out of her thoughts.
"As you thought, what?" She had then asked, since he stopped.
[You should join the Silver Eagles.] Here they go again, Fuegoleon was saying the same thing. Anderea doesn't mind them saying this but to be honest being a member of one of their squad would be like picking favorites not to mention stating who she would marry. Everyone already knows that Anderea will be marrying one of the two, they are all even making bets on it. Yami was like that too. There was that and also...
"I like it here. Despite what people think, the Black Bulls aren't bad. True, they destroy everything that they touch practically, but I believe this is the best place for people with problems. That's why I recommend that you send Noelle here." Anderea had explained to him.
[Speaking of that failure, has she gotten any less useless?] His words are harsh, however, she knew what he was really like.
"Well, I think she's begun to open up a bit. She's even hanging around Asta right now." Anderea saw his eyebrow twitch at the last part. "She hasn't gone on any missions yet, but there should be one that can help her improve." She explained to him. In truth, Anderea knew that Novel really loved his sister, after all, she did look a lot like her mother. "However, Zel, you know that the main problem of hers extends from you and your siblings..."
[I realize. That is why I trust her to you. If you are there, in She should be fine.] He didn't deny that at all.
"Zel... there's something I need to talk to you about..." Anderea had grabbed onto the Communication tool, holding it in her hand.
[What is it?] He had asked, but the thing was, should she tell him...
"The truth is, I-"
"We're back, Lady Anderea!" However, Magna's voice had cut her off from behind.
"Sorry... It doesn't matter." And Anderea had closed the Communication magic tool and gotten up, turning around to face them. "Oh, welcome back..." Only till the moment she had seen both men standing there completely butt naked, with nothing but their satchels and robe. "You lost everything... again?" Was the first thing she said to them and saw their state.
"Yeah!" Yami was laughing in complete enjoyment.
"So, what else did you bet?" She knew how Yami worked, there was something else that he bet on if he had lost everything on his back.
"About that..." Magna was about to explain, however, Anderea had stopped him and told them to get dressed. So they had both headed to their rooms and not long after had come back now dressed. It was then when the two of them had explained to her what had happened.
"I figured as much, but this might be good either way." That had been stated here after remembering Asta and Noelle. The three of them had entered the Main hall again, where Yami had just sat down with the two newbies standing across from us. "We've decided on your first mission." Anderea had told them both.
"Our first mission..." Asta was saying
"As Magic Knights." With Noelle finishing it.
"Wh-What is it?" He was all nervous.
"It had better be something worthy of me as a royal." The girl was saying, but the vice-captain didn't think that either of them were going to be excited about it.
"Yeah, you should be honored. You'll be hunting wild boars in Saussy Village!" Magna had told them both.
"...Boars?" Anderea could see the confusion in their faces as they pictured the boars. "W-What in the world is this lame mission?" And as to be expected, Noelle wasn't happy about it.
"What are you calling lame!?" Magna took offense to that,
"I can beat a wild boar with my bare hands!" Asta was all proud of that fact. However, he didn't understand that they weren't normal boars,
"Don't you dare underestimate wild boars! They come charging outta nowhere! Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'rushing into things'!?" The punk was asking them.
"I don't think that has anything to do with that..." Anderea had stated to him.
"We both ended up losing to the mayor of Saussy Village." Yami then spoken, with his cigarette out of his mouth,
"Huh?" Both Asta and Noelle were shocked but it's because they misunderstood what he meant.
"C-Captain Yami and Magna lost?" He was a,ing,
"Just how strong is he?" They had completely misunderstood it.
"No... they were playing cards." However, it was then when Anderea explained this to them.
"Cards!?" Needless to say they were shocked.
"As you already saw, he had completely stripped them of everything they had." The vice-captain had to admit, it was completely embarrassing to say this, especially...
"And six months worth of pay, too!" When they seemed completely proud of that. Asta and Noelle were wondering how they could be so proud of that fact.
"And we ended up promising him we'd do anything if we lost and he asked us to take care of some wild boars for him." Yami had explained to them both,
"Apparently, a herd showed up near the village, and they're ruining the fields." Magna had explained to them.
"Hi, question! That has nothing to do with us, right?" Asta was right about that.
"Yeah! You two are the ones who lost! Then... why must we do it, sis!?" Noelle was asking Anderea, and she only had one thing to say,
"Well... do you think Yami would clean up his own mess if he had a chose?" This had been honestly asked of them because she had already known and the blank look on their faces was completely blank. Anderea understood, because normally one would clean up their own mistakes.
"Yeah! We're the ones who clean up mister Yami's mistakes!" Magna was saying with such pride. The two of them were still completely blank until Yami began to move on his own.
"Are you going to go, or are you going to die? Which will it be?" He was giving off intense aura about him
"We'll go!" They had both responded before he left out the door.
"Even though we're hunting wild boars, this is our first mission as Magic Knights. I'm so excited!" Asta was all pumped up as he was screaming.
"I'm supposed to get rid of wild boars?" Noelle still wasn't all that excited.
"What? You're still complaining?" Magna was asking all furiously.
"I'm not complaining, but... I was just wondering if I should go, since I can't control my magical powers." Noelle was actually admitting her faults.
"Don't be ridiculous." Anderea had spoken up.
"How do you think you'll improve? It might not be what you expected, however, as for now you two need experience. This job is simple but it'll give you an idea of what needs to be done as Magic Knights. And who knows... you might actually improve your control a bit." The woman was saying to Noelle, as she didn't seem all that confident in herself. "Just remember one thing, Magic is not something that just comes from here..." Anderea pushed her finger onto the girl's head... "... It also comes from in here." And moved it down to where her heart is. "Magic reacts to strong minds and hearts, you need to overcome those which block your path before you're able to do something great."
"Yeah! And... I'll be sure to clean up any of you newbies' mistakes, since I'm your senior." Magna was saying with pride.
"Magna, you're such a manly man!" Asta was shouting to him,
"Stop it, stupidsta. You're making me blush." He had responded looking even more smuggled.
"I-If you insist, I guess I could accompany you." Noelle was trying to hide her embarrassment.
"Thanks you very much!" Magna had bowed low to her but then realized what he was doing. "Wait. Why are you always looking down on us!?"
"I'm not. It's just that you're always below me." Anderea guessed there was still room for improvements.
"What kind of reasoning is that!?"

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