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The battles had continued and those of common birth we completely expressed and down joyed watching a pair of nobles battle each other. One of them had water base magic while the other was earth base magic. Soon the battle came to an end and a boy with long, blonde hair, tied back in a long ponytail, with his bangs offset to the left, had come walking out. He had fair skin, and pencil-thin blonde eyebrows, with mostly-slanted green eyes. Anderea remembers the young man, he was Salim De Hapshass, the only son of the Hapshass family that served in the House of Lords. There are many rumors floating around about Lord Hapshass, none of them were good ones. They were about how he obtained new money by bribes, fraudulent accounts, and shady deals, however, since there isn't any proof nothing can be proven whether the rumors were true or false. However, by the way that he spoke it was clear that the rumors fall more on the side of truth. "You may have been chosen by the four-leaf, but you are no noble." Does he know that one does not need to be a noble to be chosen by the four-leaf? it's just ridiculous to think that. "I'll show you just how far below us nobles you are, both in status and power. Oh, and of course, in wealth, too." If he's talking about all three then he barely makes them all. As for the four-leaf boy... Well, this was going to end quickly. The two of them were standing opposite of one another.
"You should know that it's an honor just to be able to fight the great Salim De Hapshass. You can tell the tale for the rest of your life when you go back to your village." How much hot air does this guy have? But the captains were a bit surprised that the other one said nothing, his facial expression didn't even change. "I'll at least treat you to a noble's ultimate attack:" Salim's grimoire had shot open, "The God of Lightning Rising Salim!" A large ball of lightning had begun to form in front of Salim. From where Anderea was standing, his magic attack wasn't all that impressive, it only looked big but it wasn't all that powerful. The boy on the other hand was just standing there, with his grimoire opened but he wasn't casting any spells. One had to wonder what he planned on doing. "I'll even pay for your trip back home." with a thrust of his hand, directs the ball toward the boy.
"Wind Magic..." The grimoire began to glow a light green, and like I had thought before, he used wind type magic. "... Towering Tornado!" A tornado had shot up in between the attack and the boy. The tornado was filled with such destructive power that it was enough to send Salim flying a considerable distance without letting any chance of him to counterattack.
"Salim, a noble, was defeated in an instant!" It appeared to shock a lot of people.
"Y-You can't be serious!"
"Oh?" Nozel was completely impressed, and he was a royal that looked down on commoners.
"Amazing. I want to be his friend, too." Gordon was muttering.
"Wow, not bad." Finral had stated.
"Yeah." Even Yami agreed with him.
"I would like him to join our squad." Anderea said, looking down at the boy.
"Yeah." Yami once again said. "But I doubt he'll join us." He was right about that, one could tell that he was aiming for the top. His eyes had completely given it away when he was looking at Captain William. The sun had begun to set after a few more hours and the exam had come to an end. "This concludes the exam. Now... candidates whose numbers are called, please step forward." Captain William has explained to the candidates. That's when the captain of the Blue Rose squad, Charlotte Roselei, stood up. She was a young woman, with blue eyes and long blonde hair. She kept tied back into a bun, with only a single line braid hanging down on the left side of her face. She also wore armor over herself.
"The squad captains will raise their hands if they would like you to join their squads." She had shouted down to them. "The candidates will decide if they would like to accept or decline, and if they are chosen by more than one captain, they may choose which squad they'd like to join."
"But if no one raises their hands, that candidate will not join the Magic Knights." Fuegoleon shouted.
"And you will leave immediately." Nozel had stated but all of the had been said that the beginning.
"Candidate # 1, step forward." And so it began as the first one stepped forwards.
"Y-Yes, Sir!" Time had begun to pass by as there were many rejections.
"Number 32, no offers."
"Number 40, no offers."
"Number 45, no offers."
"Number 67, no offers." There were a lot of them. That's when the captain of the Purple Orca squad, Gueldre Poizot, had raised his hand. There were plenty of unpleasant rumors floating around about him.
"Number 71, the Purple Orcas."
"Number 78."
"I shall welcome him." Fuegoleon had started with his hand raised.
"The Crimson Lion Kings."
"Number 99, the Coral Peacocks." Dorothy Unsworth, a witch from the Witches' Forest and the captain of the Coral Peacock squad had raised her hand.
"Number 116, no offers."
"Number 141... no offers." And we were back at the beginning. "Next, Number 164."
"Yes, sir." That's when the four-leaf stepped forwards, he seemed to be clinging onto a necklace as he walked in front. This was the one everyone was waiting for.
"All who wish to offer, please raise your hand." At that, one by one, the hands of the captains had begun to raise. Of course this was the first time it's happened, at least in a long time that is. You could even hear the shock from the other candidates that were still left. Even the Golden Dawn had their hands raised and they never had a commoner enter it. Not to mention the Silver Eagles.
"Please allow me to join the Golden Dawn." That was the answer
"They took a good one." Finral was right about that.
"Just as I thought." But Anderea knew he would pick the Golden Dawn.
"But I wanted to be his friend..." Gordon was still going on.
"You can still be his friend." The woman had informed him.
"Oh, well. Can't be helped." Yami was right about that.
"Next, Number 165."
"Oh. I guess that kid's next." The kid with no magical power had began to step forwards
"This might be a little sad." This had been muttered by Anderea.
"I'm ready!"
"All who wish to offer, please raise your hand." But of course... "Number 165... no offers." no one was raising their hand. The kid seemed to be in complete shock,
"Go on, scram! I'm up next!" The leftover candidates had began to shout and yell at him, but he only stood there not giving up,
"You're a disgrace!" They were beginning to shout at him.
"Well, that's no surprise."
"Yami?" Finral was confused as to why he had stood up. Anderea on the other hand knew why.
"No matter how high your combat skills are, if the source of your power is unknown, no one wants anything to do with it." He was right about that. That kid's grimoire, Anderea looked at it with eyes that possessed no life in them. "In the end, the only thing desired from a Magic Knight is their magical powers." By saying that, Yami had begun to send off his own magical power which was extremely overwhelming to the candidates, not to mention shook the arena.
"Hey, Yami!?" Finral had shouted after him because he had leaped down to the ground floor.
"It's fine, Finral." However, Anderea had lifted up her arm to stop him. She knew what Yami was planning on doing.
"And since you have no magical powers, no one wants you. That's the cruel reality." What he said was true and it truly was cruel. "You said earlier that you wanted to become the Wizard King, didn't you? Which means you're going to surpass the nine captains here, right? Now that I'm standing before you, do you still have the nerve to say that you're going to be the Wizard King, even without any magical powers?" The kid was silent after Yami had asked him that but
"E-Even if I can't join the Magic Knights today... no matter how many times I fall, no matter what anyone says to me, I'm still going to become the Wizard King someday!" That was his answer and slowly Yami had begun to compress his magical power back to normal. And after a few seconds of silence, Yami had busted into laughter.
You're funny, kid. Join my squad." He had told the kid, which was something Yami would do. Of course, the rest of the candidates seemed completely confused as to why, even the kid was. "I'm telling you that I'll let you join the Black Bulls. By the way, declining isn't an option." Sometimes through that man's head.
"I'll make life so miserable for you in the Black Bulls that you'll be torn to shreds, so be ready for that." He laughed again just thinking about it.
"And then, someday, become the Wizard King." In Anderea's opinion, she never found Yami scary. She has always thought of him as kind, and the proof of that was their entire squad. He had even saved her.
"Yes Sir!"

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