Group of Failures!

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As Anderea was working through the paperwork given to her throughout the day. Most of the paper work were reports about previous missions that had been written up by the other members of the squad. It was the job of the captain to go through them and file them, but there was no way Yami would do it, so it all fell on the vice captain, which was me, who has experience being a former captain herself not to mention helping her sister with the Amazzonia house. Other documents were paperwork about the damages that had been caused by the Black Bulls. And then there were documents about missions that Anderea had to decide the group of people that will be sent. Hours had gone by as she was sorting out all the documents. "Why does this Squad cause so much damage?" She had three stacks of documents for damages alone, which was less than normal. "And why don't they fill in their reports with more details?" Another pile had then been stacked, but it was a lot less than the damages, which did annoy her, since not everything would have been written down. "Now, What should I do about these?" Anderea had finished placing the final piece of paper onto a pile of six that wasn't part of the others. "Now I have to sort out who doing what mission...'' At that moment, a strong Magical power had appeared, of course this sent alarm bells off in her head. However, Anderea felt she knew this magical power, which it had then hit her. "This magical power... this is bad!" The moment Anderea looked out the window a giant ball of water had come into view only making her jump out of the very window where she landed on the ground where the other members were looking up the water with either impressed or unsure.
"Oh my." Vanessa was saying all impressed.
"Wow." And Luck was exciting.
"Someone's magic is out of control." Gauche had stated, and Noelle was in the middle of the water.
"Such immense magical power... this is going to get bad if we don't do something." Magna was right however, it wasn't like there was much they were able to do in the current situation.
"We can't attack with magic because there's a high chance that she'll die." This was being said to Anderea as she explained to them all.
"Could you use your spatial magic to scoop just her up?" Yami had turned to Finral asking but that wasn't possible either
"Please don't be ridiculous. I can't get near that." Which had been the answer given.
"Right. If only we had someone who could nullify magical powers..." And as if on cue Asta had come flying from above, landing right in Yami's hand. "You came flying but at the perfect time."
"Huh?" The boy, of course, was confused as to why he would say that until he looked to where Yami was pouting.
"Could you of take care of that?" These had been asked by the man.
"Take care of that!? Okay!" Asta was all for it until he realized something. "Wait. How am I supposed to get over there, though? I can't fly..." But he shouldn't have asked that.
"Quit yer yapping." Yami was giving off intense vibes scaring the poor guy. "Now is the time when you need to go beyond your limits!" At that point, Asta had been sent flying right at the ball of water magic, and had sliced it with his sword. But because of that, they were now plummeting to their deaths.
"Finral." Anderea turned to the young man she called, and he knew exactly what to do. His grimoire began to glow and the pair of them had fallen into one of his gates, which had caused them both to fall out another one that was on the ground. So they weren't dead.
"All right! I'm alive!" Asta had shouted, picking himself off the ground. Yami had bursted into laughter as Anderea had her hoodie over her head, making her hair dry.
"That was so much fun, wasn't it?" Luck was asking as if it really was fun.
"Jeez. Now I'm all wet." Vanessa was almost butt naked wearing her robe over her undergarments.
"Thanks for that spatial magic!" Asta had walked over to Finral thanking him.
"You're welcome!" He had winked at him.
"That was a job well done, Asta." Anderea had smiled at him, like a proud mother or older sister.
"Right!" Asta shouted, then turned to look over his shoulder. "Hey, you!" To Noelle, who had flinched, remembering her brother's words. She began to cry at the fear that they were all going to mock her. Of course that didn't include Anderea since she has known about this problem for years. "You... have some insane magical powers! That's so awesome!" The moment he had bursted that out, Anderea covered her mouth, stopping her from laughing.
"Huh?" Noelle was completely confused at what he had just said. She began to lift up her head to look at him as he spoke
"I don't have any magical powers, so I'm jealous, damn it!" He had shouted down to her then got all excited. "If you train so you can learn to control them, you'll be invincible, Noelle!"
"How cute." Anderea muttered seeing Noelle blushing. "Better not tell Zel about this, or he might kill Asta."
"Insec- Asta..." Noelle was about to call him an insect again but then changed it.
"I'm gonna keep doing my best so I won't lose, either!" But he didn't seem to notice.
"Really? You just couldn't control your magical powers?" Magna was making it sound like it wasn't a big deal. "You should've told me earlier, you royal failure." He was jokingly calling her. "We're the Black Bulls. We're a whole group of failures!" He had stated to her, and none of them seemed embarrassed at that fact. In fact they embraced it.
"It matters not if you fail once or a thousand times." Anderea had walked over to Noelle, placing the Black Bulls' robe on her once again. "Everyone makes mistakes, you just need to embrace and learn from them." She explained to the girl.
"Anyway, thank goodness you're safe." Finral stated but... "By the way, I know a great pasta place. Want to go sometime?" then moved on to asking her out.
"Before that, you should try this. 'Kay?" Charmy was holding a fork with a bit of cake on it.
"That was amazing. If anything, the one thing I'm great at is controlling magical powers, so I'll help you out." Vanessa had told her. "And Vice Captain Anderea is even better than me, so of course she would help you out. We'll show you some womanly techniques, too."
"That last part wasn't necessary." Anderea had a sweat drop fall down her face.
"I'll tell you how much of an Angel my little sister Marie is." Gauche was telling Noelle
"Let's start out as friends." Gordon was saying in the background. Hearing each of them say all those things to her, had made Noelle begin to cry.
"Here." Asta held out his hand to her, "let's do our best together."
"It's a pleasure to work with you."

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