Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle

Start from the beginning

After our shopping spree, we decide to go into a restaurant. All of the tables in the room are very low and you have to sit on the floor to use them. All of my friends sit down cross-legged. I am the only one who kneels down since I can't sit that way.
We order something off the menu and some juice and tea.
The waiter brings us our drinks and some extra drinks in small shot glasses.
"Where are you from?", the waiter asks.
"The Neutral Zone, Kroos Republic, Waerglunt and the Nekra Kingdom. We are traveling the world together and searching for treasures.", Wooyoung replies.
"The Nekra Kingdom?! Since when are you allowed to leave your country?"
"We aren't. We fled from there."
"And which country was the last one that you visited?"
"We just fled from the Nekra Kingdom again."
"Again?! You guys are reckless!"
The waiter shakes his head and goes back to the kitchen.
"What is this?", San asks and points at the shot glass.
"Liquor.", Jongho answers.
"What's liquor?"
"What's alcohol?"
"You'll find out when you drink it. But you need to eat something first. It's not good to drink it on an empty stomach."
Our food arrives and we start eating.
It's so nice to eat proper food again. After we got back to our ship, we didn't have a lot of food left and we ate the same three things every day.
But the more I eat, the spicier it gets. I hope I don't get an upset stomach again.

"We should make a toast for fleeing from the Nekra Kingdom.", Yeosang suggest.
We all put our shot glasses together.
"We are free again. Whatever happens from now on we will stick together. Eight makes one team!", Hongjoong shouts.
All of us empty the glass in one go. San's face immediately turns into a grimace.
"Why does this taste so yucky?"
He takes a big bite to get rid of the taste.
I feel my body heat up a bit from the alcohol. Only a few seconds later San's face turns extremely red.
"So warm... and it's laik wii'rrr on dae shiv akaeen.", he mumbles.
Is he already drunk?!
"Wow, he's so bad at drinking alcohol.", Wooyoung exclaims and giggles.
We keep eating and talking. Occasionally Yunho has to stop San from falling off his chair.
And I thought I was bad with alcohol...
Suddenly San decides to stand up.
"Let's sing something together! An dea Nooortsaidee dis Kraggnsdrant's siin' die Fueshaee em Wassah un saeldeen an Lahnt!"
"Shh! Not so loud, San! We are at restaurant.", I scold him.
Yunho pulls him back onto his chair. Our drunk friend clings onto his arm and leans against his shoulder while pouting like a toddler.
"So mean..."

After we finished our meal, we go back to the ship. San almost falls off the ladder while entering the ship.
I make sure that he goes to bed and sobers up.
"Seonghwa! Play with me. I'm bored.", Wooyoung commands and hugs me.
We play cards for a bit.
"I can't believe my birthday is in 4 days already. Have you guys planned something for me?"
"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."
"Did you get a present for me?"
"You should focus on the game."
"I am winning right now anyway. Uno!"
After I lost for the third time, we decide to get onto the deck and enjoy the sun.
"The sun feels nice and warm and the sky is so beautiful. It almost makes me want to never go back to Nekra Kingdom.", Yeosang says who was bored and layed down next to me.
Wooyoung puts his arm around Yeosang's waist which makes him blush.
"Let's enjoy it while we can."
Yunho suddenly lays down next to me and does the same to me.
"W-what are you doing?", I ask and feel heat rise to my cheeks.
"I want to cuddle too."
"Oh okay."
I put my arms around him. It feels cozy.

A few days we reach another island.
Wooyoung comes out in his new birthday gift. He was so happy to receive it and Hongjoong was very surprised when we sang "Happy birthday" for him too.
"We will get our jungle equipment here and this island is pretty good for treasure hunting too.", Hongjoong explains.
"Finally we are going treasure hunting again! The last time feels like it was ages ago.", San shouts.
"I really missed it. Maybe we'll find food again.", I comment.
"Treasure hunting, treasure hunting, treasure hunting!", Mingi chants and happily jumps around.
On the island is a small town with a lot of shops that have clothing and equipment for the jungle and treasure hunting. In general the town seems really open to treasure hunters.
There are treasure hunter themed bars and also a restaurant and there are guideposts pointing to the best treasure hunting spots.
After paying for repairs and maintenance for our ship, we go to a millinery. Apparently it's important to wear a hat when you go to the rainforest. Each of us gets to choose our own hat but I feel like none of the hats look good on me while Yunho looks good in every style of hat.
"Which one should I get?", I ask Hongjoong.
"I think this one suits you.", he replies and puts a more elegant hat on me.
"Ah, you think so?"
"It does, you look pretty.", Jongho adds.
I feel my face get warm. It's not common to hear such a compliment from our youngest.

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