Chapter Twenty Five

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warning: not edited.


Just as Solana settled into the chair next to Wally's bed, the door creaked open, a nurse entered the room, a tray of carefully prepared food in her hands.

"Hi Solana," the nurse smiled at Solana, setting the tray down on the small table.

"Hey Melinda." Solana greeted her. Melinda used to be Solana's nurse during the early years of her cancer but after her remission hit she transferred to be Wally's nurse.

Melinda turned her eyes to Wally who was too engulfed into a comic book magazine of The Flash to pay attention to the tray of food Melinda brought.

"I've brought you lunch. It's a nutritious meal to help regain your strength."

Wally ignored Melinda's gracious attitude as he continued to flip through the magazine. He already told Melinda earlier that he wasn't hungry. Day by day Wally's appetite for food would decrease.

Melinda sighed, "Wally you need to eat, you haven't ate in almost two days."

Solana sat up in her chair, her eyes widen at Wally. "Wally is that true?"

Wally's gaze flickered to the tray of food, a frown marring his features. "I don't want it," he muttered, his voice laced with frustration.

Melinda's expression softened, her eyes filled with empathy for the sixteen year old boy. "I understand, Wally. It's difficult, but nourishment is essential for your re—"

"Do not say recovery! Because you and I both know that last thing my body is doing is recovering." Wally snapped his comic book closed.

Solana looked over at Melinda whose eyes were becoming glossy. This is the first time she's ever seen Melinda cry.

"Melinda," Solana said gently, "I got this. You can go. Thank you."

Melinda nodded before wiping a small tear that slipped her eye and leaving the room.

Wally leaned back in the bed closing his eyes as he focused on his breathing.

"Wally.." Solana started cautiously as she stood up and walked to his bed.

"Solana please.." Wally whispered as he opened his eyes. He didn't want to talk about it.

"No Wally you have to eat. I know the thought of food is nauseating but you must eat."

"Can we talk about something else please."

"After you eat your soup we can." Solana folded her arms. Her heart ached, she understood his struggle, the cancer has taken an immense toll on his body and spirit.

Wally sighed nodding his head.

Solana smiled before walking over to the tray of food. She picked up the soup spoon, dipping it into the warm liquid and gently bringing it to Wally's lips.

Reluctantly, Wally parted his lips, allowing the spoonful of soup to enter his mouth.

Encouraged by this small victory, Solana opened a small pack of saltine crackers and handed one to him.

Wally looked annoyed but ate the cracker anyway knowing Solana wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't.

The room fell into a comfortable silence as Solana continued to feed Wally.

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