Chapter Twenty Four

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not edited!!!


My fingers traced invisible patters on my rounded belly as my head rested against Benji's couch. It's been twenty minutes since Benji got off the phone with Dario and each passing minute until his arrival made me nervous.

Benji was in the kitchen fixing himself a sandwich, he offered to make me one but my stomach is so anxious right now I don't think I'd be able to hold any food down.

My phone rung in my purse that was seated next to me. I reached into my purse for my phone, once I saw who was calling I silenced it and put it away.

Dr. V has been calling me for days, awaiting on my decision on whether or not I wanted to continue with my therapy because of the damage it could do to the baby. I told him to give me a few days to think it over.

It's been two weeks.

I know I'm pushing it with my health, because I need to continue my therapy but I also want to make sure my child stays healthy. I didn't want to make this decision without discussing it with Dario first.

I hugged my arms around my waist as I focused on a painting of a serene landscape that was on the wall in front of me. It's colors muted, yet captivating. The brushstrokes seemed to whisper secrets, capturing a moment frozen in time.

It was a reminder that life moved forward, even in the face of uncertainty. But as I stated at the canvas, doubts crept in, threatening to consume me. How would Dario and Elena react to the news of the baby?

Will Elena forgive me for sleeping with Dario? Will our friendship survive this?

Would Dario want anything to do with this child?

The sound of a car pulling up outside broke the silence, and I leaned forward, my breath caught in my throat. I strained my ears.

Benji walked from out the kitchen, wiping bread crumbs off his lips with a napkin. "I think that's them. You ready?"

I chuckle standing up, "Hell no."

He walked over and gave me a hug, one that I desperately needed. "You got this."

The doorbell rung prompting Benji to pull away from our hug and answer it.

My palms are sweating so bad right now.

I took a deep breath as Benji opened the door, my eyes widen as I take in Dario's appearance.

He looks so handsome in a tux, wow.

"Why am I here Ben, it's been a long night." Dario sighs, he hasn't noticed me, mainly because I'm standing in the corner of the living room.

Benji looks past Dario, "Where's Elena?"

Dario rolls his eyes, "In the car. I told her I wouldn't be long."

"Except you will , and she needs to be here for this."

Dario shakes his head, "Be here for what? Benji what the hell is going on man?"

"I'm pregnant." I abruptly announced.

Dario's head snapped to mine, shock stretched across his face.

On shaky legs I walked over to him, his eyes roamed down my body, landing on my swollen belly.

When I got near him, he quickly stepped back as if I was a disease and was going to infect him. Not going to lie, that hurt a little.

Silence carried on over the next few minutes, Dario's eyes never left my belly.

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