Chapter Seventeen

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warning: long chapter ahead with grammar mistakes


Carrying a bag of buttered popcorn in her hand, Solana took her court side seat next to Lupe. 

"A lot of gorgeous men in here." Lupe comments as her eyes roam the basketball court."

Solana looks to the left of her, where Bishop sits as he takes a bite out of his tenders. "These chicken tenders suck. No flavor, no seasoning, no crisp, straight disgusting." He shoves the box of tenders underneath his chair.

Solana hands him a napkin, to wipe the crumbs from his mouth.

A few minutes pass before Benji, Gwen, and Elena walked into the arena to their seats. Benji was carrying a container filled with mini sliders that he made, using the hotel kitchen. Because his restaurant is well known, the hotel staff had no issue letting Benji use their kitchen to cook, in fact they were honored.

"They really let you bring outside food in here?" Bishop asked, once Benji sat down.

Benji slides off his coat as he answers, "No but since I'm friends with Dario they gave me a pass."

"It's so hot in here damn." Gwen fans her face, reaching for the bottle of water she bought from the concessions.

Elena sat down next to her, removing her jean jacket. Once she settled in her seat her eyes searched the court for her boyfriend. Dario was on the side of the court warming himself up by doing dribbling drills with one of his teammates.

Elena sighed as she looked at him. The two have been at odds since Dario yelled at her at the restaurant yesterday. When they got back to the hotel they didn't say one word to each other and went straight to sleep. In the morning, Elena planned on talking to him but when she woke up Dario had already left to go the arena.

Things have been a little rough for the couple, since Elena find out Dario proposed to Solana. She just couldn't get over the fact that Solana could've been his wife. She didn't have any spiteful feelings towards Sol because she understood that her and Dario were together for years and were deeply in love with each other. Her feelings of anger came from the fact that Dario had never told this, she had to find out from Solana. And to top it off, it hurt her more when Dario admitted that he didn't know if he could see himself marrying her but knew he wanted to marry Solana when they were only a month into their relationship.

Elena hated feeling like this, all she wanted was to be happy in her relationship. But lately she hasn't been feeling like that, but she wasn't going to give up, she was going to keep fighting for her relationship because she loves Dario too much to just walk away because it got rough. She wasn't going to take the Solana route and disappear.

"I hope he wins." Gwen says to Elena whose still in her head.

Gwen nudges her friend with her elbow, "Hello? Earth to Elena."

Blinking rapidly, with a dumbfounded look, Elena looks over at Gwen. "Huh.. what?"

Gwen crosses her legs as she looks at Elena, "Okay what's going on? You completely zoned out while looking at Dario. Are you two still having problems?"

"I wouldn't say we're having problems, our communication is just a little off."

Gwen nodded. "Did you two talk this morning like I suggested?"

"No he left before I woke up. But we're definitely talking tonight after he's done with the game."

Today was the first event of the All Star Weekend. The first event was the skills challenge. Selected nba players showcase their dribbling, passing, and shooting skills in a timed obstacle course. Dario was one of the players that was selected to compete in this event, he has one of the best handles in the league.

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