2. 24 ┊: Slugs

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The next day we had class with the infamous Gilderoy Lockhart, we all flooded into the room, Me and Ginny sat down together as she rested her face on her palm. I rolled my eyes, As I can see, there are a few fans in the crowd Lockhart said as he made it look like he was looking around, Well, Well, Well, your all in for a treat, because I'm giving away a signed copy of my autobiography to whoever behaves the best Lockhart said and smiled.

After that class went by fast and then we were at the end, Alright, time for this marvelous book Lockhart said and picked it up from his desk, Let's see... when is my birthday He asked, A Hufflepuff girl yelled it out before anyone else, he smiled as he gave her the book and then dismissed us.

After class I had lost Ginny since she said she was going to the common room but then never came back, I had gone outside and saw Ron and Hermione sitting on a bench, she was reading a book, I sat next to them and we asked each other how the school year was going, then we saw the Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch teams walk up to each other, the Slytherin captain handed Oliver who was the Gryffindor captain a letter, "Uh-Oh, I smell trouble" Ron said.

We all got up and made our way over leaving our stuff, "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team, permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new seeker" Oliver read out, he put the paper down, "You've got a new seeker, who" He said in a non believing tone, two boys moved out of the way as Draco Malfoy appeared in a quidditch outfit.

"Malfoy" Harry asked "That's right, and that's not all that's new this yea Malfoy said with a smug look on his face, we saw that they all had new brooms, Ron's mouth fell agape, "Those are Nimbus 2001s, how did you get those" Ron asked "A gift from Draco's father" One of the boys said, "You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best" Malfoy said smugly, Hermione did not take light to this, "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent" Hermione said.

Malfoy walked up to her, "No on asked your opinion you filthy little Mudblood" Malfoy said, my eyes widened at what he had just said, father had gone over the word a few times and how never to use it, it was a vile and very disrespectful thing to say. Hermione looked like she had understood what he had said and looked angry, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy, eat slugs" Ron said as he pulled out his wand and pointed it at him.

A green spell erupted from the tip of of the wand, it sent Ron flying back onto his back, Me and Hermione ran to him as did the Gryffindor team, he looked like he was gonna be sick. "You okay, Ron" Hermione asked worriedly, Ron slowly got on all fours, "Say something" Hermione urged and a second later Ron threw up a slug, it was slimy and was moving, "Ewww" Some of the Gryffindors said Yuck Others said.

A camera flash went off, I looked and saw that it was Colin, how did he get here so fast, "Wow, can you turn him around, Harry" Colin asked smiling, "No, Colin, get out of the way" Harry said annoyed, Harry and Hermione helped Ron up, I went and grabbed Mine, Ron and Hermiones bags and made my way back. "Let's take him to Hagrid's" Harry said, Ron threw up another slug, "He'll know what to do" Harry said as he bumped into Malfoy before we walked off.

When we got to Hagrid's he asked us what had happened and I explained what the curse had done, Hagrid had mittens on and looked like he was cooking something, he then took them off and brought over a bucket, "This calls for a specialist's equipment" Hagrid said as he handed Ron the bucket who took it gladly, Hagrid sat down, "Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid" Hagrid said, Hermione looked at him really wanting to help Ron.

Ron threw up a slug into the bucket, "Uhh, Okay" Harry said "Better out than in...who was Ron trying to curse, anyway" Hagrid asked "Malfoy, he called Hermione...well, I don't know exactly what it means" Harry said as he looked over at Hermione, who was finally processing what she had been called. She stood up and crossed her arms as she walked a bit away turning her back to us, "He called me a Mudblood" Hermione said, Hagrid made a shocked expression, "He did not" Hagrid said What's a Mudblood Harry asked.

Hermione turned back around to face us, she had tears in her eyes, "It means dirty blood, Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who's Muggle-born, someone with non-magical parents, someone like me" Hermione said, she slowly walked back towards us, "It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation" She said and sat back down.

"See, the thing is, Harry, there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure blooded" Hagrid said "That's horrible" Harry said, Ron threw up again, Harry rubbed his back, "It's disgusting" Ron said "And it's codswallop to boot, dirty blood, why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not a half-blood or less, more to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do, come here" Hagrid said and Hermione gave him her hand, "Don't you think on it, Hermione, don't you think on it for one minute, Ay" Hagrid said and patted her hand, she smiled.

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