8 ┊: Quidditch

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It was morning now now and we were at breakfast, today was gonna be Harry's first Quidditch match of the season so it was pretty exciting. "Take a bit of toast, mate, go on" Ron offered to Harry who was playing with his food "Ron's right, Harry, you're gonna need your strength today" Hermione said "I'm not hungry" Harry said, Snape walked up behind him, "Good luck today, Potter, then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you, even if it is against Slytherin" Snape said as we all looked at him and he looked at us before walking away.

"That was weird" I said, Harry looked at Snape as he walked away, he was limping, "That explains the blood" Harry said "Blood" Hermione asked "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three headed dog, but he got himself bitten that's why he's limping" Harry said "But why would anyone go near that dog" Hermione asked "The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults, he said it was Hogwarts business, very secret" Harry said "So you're saying" Hermione said putting all the pieces together "That's what the dog's guarding, that's what Snape wants" Harry said, we all looked at each other.

Then an owl with mail started to come in chirping, a white owl was carrying a huge package and was flying directly at us and dropped it right into Harry's hands, Harry set it down on the table. "Bit early for mail isn't it" Hermione said "But I, I never get mail" Harry said "Let's open it" Ron said and we helped Harry open his package.

It was a broom, "It's a broomstick" Harry said, Ron looked astonished, "That's not just a broomstick, Harry, it's a Nimbus 2000" Ron said, "But who" Harry asked and we saw that the owl had landed with Mcgonagall who was smiling, Harry smiled at gave a small nod. Later in the day it was the Quidditch match, my Dad offered if I wanted to sit next to him but I told him I'd sit with my friend Hermione, the doors on the Gryffindor side opened and we began to cheer as they flew out from where they were and into the sky in order and flew around.

"Hello, Welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season, today's game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor" The Announcer said, the Gryffindors cheered, I clapped, and then the Slytherins cheered as the Slytherins flew out of their chamber. "The players take their positions as Madam Hooch stepped out onto the field to begin the game" The Announcer said, Madam Hootch let out the three items, "The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch, remember the Snitch is worth 150 points, the seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game" The Announcer said, Madam Hootch threw a ball up, "The Quaffle is released and the game begins" The Announcer said.

A Gryffindor girl got the Quaffle and zoomed past Slytherins, one bumped into her but she kept going and made it into one of the hoops and we cheered, "Angelina Johnson scores, ten points for Gryffindor" The Announcer said, I saw that Harry cheered and a bludger passed by him and he gripped onto his broom, "Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle, Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint" The Announcer said, he kicked Angelina when she approached him, he tried throwing it into a hoop but the Gryffindor Captain Oliver Wood blocked it. Then another girl had the Quaffle and she passed it to another Gryffindor girl and she scored it into a hoop, a Slytherin girl thought she caught it but missed it, "Another ten points to Gryffindor" The Announcer said, we cheered, Oliver blocked another one and Marcus grabbed a bludger club and smacked one at him, it hit Wood and he fell to the ground, Flint threw the club back at his team member.

The Slytherins laughed, they jumped over a Gryffindor boy and made one, the Slytherins cheered, Angelina had it again and Flint and his teammate were pursuing her sides, they both stuck to her sides and grabbed the Quaffle as she bumped into a stand and fell into it and then Slytherin made another one, then I saw Harry flying around and I clapped, he dogged a bludger to the head and then his broom began to fly weird and it started spinning, "What's going on with Harry's broomstick" Hagrid asked, Hermione had huge binoculars which she was using, "It's Snape, he's jinxing the broom" Hermione whispered to Me and Ron "Jinxing the broom, what do we do" Ron said "Leave it to me" Hermione said, she handed the binoculars to Ron, "I'm going with you" I said and Me and Hermione walked away. I saw that Harry was clinging off his broom, we hurried up the stairs to under where Snape was sitting, Hermione pulled out her wand and pointed it at his robe, "Lacarnum Inflamarae" She whispered, the tip of her wand let out a spark of fire that caught onto Snape's robes, Hermione smiled, and we ran back out. I saw that Harry had been able to get back on his broom, he was next to the Slytherin seeker who was chasing the snitch, Harry bumped into him and the Slytherin did the same and then back and forth, they both went down and the Slytherin boy went back up scared of hitting the ground and Harry pulled up right when he was about to hit the ground, he balanced on his broom and it looked like he was surfing, he then reached out and jumped off and rolled on the ground, when he got up he held his stomach and looked like he was going to be sick, and then the snitch came out of his mouth and into his hands "He's got the snitch, Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch" The Announcer said, Madam Hootch hooted a whistle, she raised her right arm, "Gryffindor wins" She yelled, the Gryffindors cheered, Me and Hermione clapped and cheered, Harry raised the snitch and waved it as he smiled.

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