18┊: House cup

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No one's P.O.V

Harry woke up in one of the nursing beds, he was in pajamas, his right arm was covered in gauzes, he grabbed his glasses from the side table and put them on, he gasped as he saw the many Get well cards on the side table, he looked forward and saw so many sweets on another table, Harry smiled.

He heard footsteps from the door and looked, it was Dumbledore, "Good afternoon, Harry" He said as he approved the sweet's table, "Ahh, tokens for your admires" Dumbledore said "Admirers" Harry asked "What happened down in the dudgeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows" Dumbledore said and gave a small smile, Harry gave one back, "Ahh, I see that your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble" Dumbledore said as he grabbed a empty chocolate frog holder "Of opening your Chocolate Frogs" Dumbledore said.

"Ron was here, is he all right, what about Y/N and Hermione" Harry asked "Fine, they're all just fine" Dumbledore said, "What happened to the Stone" Harry asked out of curiosity, Dumbledore raised his left hand, "Relax, dear boy, the stone has been destroyed, my friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat and agreed it was best all around" Dumbledore said as he went around the bed to talk to Harry, "But then, Flamel, he'll die, won't he" Harry said, Dumbledore sat down on the edge of the bed.

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order, but yes, he will die" Dumbledore said "How is it I got the stone, sir, one minute I was staring at the mirror and the next-" Dumbledore cut him off "Ah, you see, only a person, who wanted to find the stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it" Dumbledore said, he leaned in closer to "Harry, That is one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that is saying something" Dumbledore whispered and nodded, Harry smiled, "Does that mean, with the stone gone that is, that Voldemort can never come back" Harry asked hopeful "I'm afraid...there are ways in which he can return...Harry, do you know why, Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him" Dumbledore asked, Harry nodded No, "It was because of your mother, she sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark" Dumbledore said.

Harry reached for his scar, "No, No, No, this kind of mark cannot be seen, it lives in your very skin" Dumbledore said "What is it" Harry asked "Love, Harry, Love" Dumbledore said as he patted Harry on the head, Dumbledore got up and was about to leave but spotted someone on the sweet's tray, "Ah, Bertie Bott's every flavor beans, I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then, I'm afraid, I've lost my liking for them, but I think I could be safe, with a nice toffee" Dumbledore said as he grabbed a bean, he ate it, "Hmm, Alas, earwax" Dumbledore said, Harry smiled as Dumbledore walked away.

After that Madam Pomfrey came in and let Harry leave since today would be the last feast before the end of the year. Harry put on his robes and walked out of the infirmary, he looked up at a balcony of stairs and saw a couple of friends talking while the other stood beside them and looked out, Harry smiled as they looked down at him and each smiled, "All right there, Ron" Harry asked "All right, you" Ron asked, Harry shrugged, "All right, Y/N" Harry asked "Great" Y/N said, "Hermione" Harry asked "Never better" Hermione said with a huge smile on her face, Harry's smile grew even larger seeing that his friends were alright.


When we got into the Great Hall, it was decorated in Slytherin since that had one the house cup, on the roof were Slytherin flag. Professor Mcgonagall tapped her water glass as Dumbledore motioned to her, the hall fell silent, Ron fixed his pointy hat, every student was wearing one even me since Dumbledore said I deserved one for this year's events.

Dumbledore stood up, "Another year gone"Dumbledore said as he waved his arm to represent air "And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points", some of the Gryffindors clapped, others looked down. "Third place, Hufflepuff with 402 points"Dumbledore said, a lot more people clapped. "In second place, Ravenclaw with 476 points" Dumbledore said, Ravenclaw cheered, "And in first place with 522 points, Slytherin house" Dumbledore said, the Slytherins cheered and yelled in celebration, Malfoy shot a smile at Ron who looked away miserably, Snape clapped.

"Yes, Yes, well done, Slytherin, well done, Slytherin, however recent events must be taken into account, and I have a few last minute points to award" Dumbledore said, Snape looked at him, the great hall went silent again, "To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril, 50 points" Dumbledore said, we all cheered as Hermione smiled and clapped "Good Job" Harry said and gave her a pat on the back.

Hermione made eye contact with Hagrid who clapped for her, "Second to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played games of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, 50 points" Dumbledore said, "Me" Ron mouthed to Harry "You" Harry mouthed back. We all cheered and Ron smiled, "And Thirdly, To Mr. Y/N, Y/L/N, for showing bravery went most needed, since he is not a student of this school, he has the choice to put his 50 points into any house" Dumbledore said, my mouth went agape, "Gryffindor" I yelled and the Gryffindor table exploded in applaud, "And lastly, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points" Dumbledore said, we all clapped and cheered, Harry smiled and looked at Mcgonagall who clapped and smiled for him, "We're tied with Slytherin" Hermione said "And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends, I award 10 points, to Neville Longbottom" Dumbledore said and we clapped and cheered, Gryffindor had just won the house cup, Neville was in shock and was broken out of it when someone patted him in the back.

"Assuming that my calculations are correct I believe, that a change of decorations is in order" Dumbledore said, he clapped once and the Slytherin flags hanging from the roof turned into Gryffindor flags, "Gryffindor wins the house cup" Dumbledore said, the Gryffindor table exploded with cheers and yells as everyone stood up and clapped "Yes" Hagrid yelled but stopped and continued clapping. The Gryffindors threw their hats up as everyone congratulated everyone, Harry looked at Hagrid and smiled and Hagrid smiled back at him, I hugged Harry and shook hands with Percy.

After that everyone boarded the Hogwarts express, Dad said he would meet me in the compartment we had first come in, "Come on, now, hurry up, you'll be late" Hagrid said to students, Harry handed Hedwig who was inside her cage to a conductor of the train, "Train's leaving, go on, come on, hurry up" Hagrid said. Hermione waved at Hagrid and he waved back, Ron got in and I got in behind him, Hermione was coming behind me, "Come on, Harry" Hermione said "One minute" Harry said, he walked up to Hagrid, we saw he gave Harry a book and then gave him a hug, "Y/N, so you're gonna be a first year next year" Ron asked "Yeah, hopefully" I said "My sisters gonna be a first year next year too" Ron said "Oh" I said, Hagrid and Harry talked bit more and Harry ran back to us "Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it" Hermione said "I'm not going home, not really" Harry said, we looked at Hagrid who waved at us, we walked into the train and Harry closed the door behind us, Harry stuck his hand and head out of the window and waved bye to Hagrid one finial time.

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