2. 22 ┊: Sorted

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Time went by quickly and now it was time to get on the train, we passed through the barrier into platform 9 and 3/4, then he helped one of the conductors place my luggage into the train. Then it was time for me to board the train as the conductor blowed his whistle, I sighed, if I was telling the truth I was very nervous.

Dad put his hand on my shoulder and kneeled down, "Good luck kido and don't get into to much trouble" He said, I gave a small nod, "Okay, get going" Dad said and stood up, I gave him a hug and he hugged back, we stayed like that for a moment until the conductor blew his whistle again.

Dad waved me off as I waved back and then got on the train, I started my search for a compartment, each one was full and I had spotted Hermione but she was talking to other Gryffindor second year girls and I didn't feel like interrupting her, I didn't see Harry or Ron which was weird.

I knocked on the last compartment of the hall, the door slid open and inside was the youngest ginger girl of the Weasley's, "Hello" She said "Hi" I said, there was an awkward silence, I was wondering if I could sit in here with you I suggested, "Of course" She said, she moved away from the compartment door and I walked in and closed the door behind me.

She sat down and I sat down across from her, "I'm Y/N" I said, "My names, Ginny" She said and I gave a small nod and she smiled, "You're a first year also, right" Ginny asked "Yes" I answered. The rest of the trip we talked and got to know one another, then we each took turns changing into our robes as we began to approach the castle.

When the train stopped everyone began to file out of the train, "First years over here, first years" Hagrid yelled, I smiled as my eyes landed on him, "Y/N" A voice said behind me, I turned my head and I saw Hermione who came up to me, "Hello, Ginny" Hermione said with a smile acknowledging her, "Have you seen Ron and or Harry" She asked, I shook my head, "You haven't seen them" I asked and she nodded No.

"They must've gotten on the train, there's no way there here if not on the train" I said, "I'll keep looking" Hermione said "Okay, let me know if you find them" I said and she gave a nod before walking off, "Ron has to be here, Mum and Dad took us all to the train including Harry" Ginny said, I shrugged.

We walked up to Hagrid, "Why Hello, Y/N" Hagrid said and smiled down at me "Hi, Hagrid, how was your summer" I asked "It was boring to say the least, always missed the students running around, they help add some energy back into myself" Hagrid said, "That's good then" I said and he nodded.

After he rounded up all the first years we followed him down to a lake, the black lake, "Alright, only five first years per boat" Hagrid said, we all looked into the lake and saw multiple little boats floating over the water. Me and Ginny got on one and then two more girls and one boy, I grabbed a lantern from Hagrid since he was passing them out, "I can hold it" The Boy said, I looked at him, he had brown hair which was combed and greenish bluish eyes and he had a small neck mole, "I can hold it" I said "Suit yourself" He said and raised his hand as he got comfortable in his seat.

I raised the lamp as the boats started moving, it was scary at first since none of us had any control over them but after a while it was calm, then up ahead started to appear the Hogwarts castle, it was magical to say the least, it shimmered in the night light, we probably would've been able to see it without the lamps, I heard gasps around me from the rest of the students as I looked up at it mesmerized.

When we got to shore we all got out of the boats, then we handed the lamps back to Hagrid who told us to go inside the huge open doors, we walked inside and saw a staircase, we all talked about we had just seen as we went up the stairs. When we reached the top of the staircase Professor Mcgonagall was waiting for us "We are ready for you all now" She said.

Nerves filled us as the great hall doors opened and we walked in, all the students stared at us as we made it to the front, the teachers did too, Mcgonagall stepped onto the platform in front of us, the sorting hat was placed onto the wooden stool I had seen last year. "Will you all wait along here, please" She said looking at us, "Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore has a few words" She said, Dumbledore stood up, "A few start-of-term notices I wish to announce, the first years, please note, that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students, also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch" Dumbledore said, he motioned to Filch who was petting his cat in the back of the hall, he had long hair and his clothes were all brown, "Has asked me to remind you, that any student out of bed this year, will suffer the most distinguished punishment "Dumbledore said, there was a grimace looks in between the first years, "Thank you" he said.

Dumbledore sat back down and Mcgonagall walked over to him and he handed her a scroll, she then walked back to where she had previously been standing, she undid the scroll and picked up the sorting hat. "When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head and you will be sorted into your house" She said, "Noah Hughe" Mcgonagall called out, I recognized the boy, he had been the one that was in the boat with me coming over and had offered to hold the lamp for me.

He walked up to the platform and sat on the stool, Mcgonagall placed the sorting hat on his head, he sat there as the hat choice his house, it took at least two minutes, "Slytherin" The Sorting Hat yelled out, the Slytherin table burst into cheers as Noah got off of the stool, he looked at the floor as he made his way over to the table and took a seat next to another Slytherin girl.

After that the sorting went by faster, then it was Ginny's turn, she walked up to the stool and sat down the hat being placed on her head, "Another... Gryffindor" The Hat yelled, the Gryffindor table burst with cheers, she got off the stool excitedly, she had a huge smile as she made her way over to the table and sat down next to her brothers Fred and George who congratulated her.

"Y/N, Y/L/N" Mcgonagall called out, I sighed, it was my turn, I slowly walked up to the platform, this decision could change the rest of my life, I sat on the stool and Mcgonagall placed the sorting hat on my head, "Ahh, courage, bravery, witty, let's see, Ah, I know....Gryffindor" The Sorting Hat yelled, the biggest grin formed across my face as the Gryffindors once again burst with happiness, I got off the stool as Mcgonagall grabbed the hat from my head, I walked over to the table and sat next to Hermione, "Congratulations, Y/N" She said with a smile on her face and I thanked her.

After that the feast began and we were all eating, I looked at the teachers and noticed that Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Snape were gone. "Did you ever find, Harry and Ron" I asked Hermione "No, it's like they didn't get on the train, but it wouldn't make any sense" Hermione said, "Yeah, it wouldn't" I said as I took a sip of pumpkin juice and then from the corner of my eye I saw two Gryffindor boys entering the hall.

"Where have you both been" Hermione questioned them as Harry and Ron sat down in front of us, "Later, I'm famished" Ron said as he started to serve his plate "For your information you both missed, Y/N's, sorting" Hermione said a bit annoyed by the fact that Ron had dismissed her question so quickly. "Ah, Yeah, Congratulations, Y/N" Ron said with a mouth full of mash potatoes.

"Thanks" I said, Harry had been quiet as he served his food but after Hermiones comment he looked up at me, "Congratulations, Y/N" Harry said and smiled at me, "Thank you, Harry" I said. I noticed that Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Snape had slipped back into their seats after Harry and Ron had arrived, that's strange I thought to myself.

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