2. 23 ┊: Howler

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The next day I was in the common room, it was strange to be in here with robes on, since last year it was just me in my regular clothes, I had my book bag on my shoulder.

Ginny came down the steps in her robes, her book bag was on her shoulder, "You ready" I asked her "No, but it's inevitable" She said, I gave a small nod and we walked out through the portrait. Our first class was transfiguration with Professor Mcgonagall.

We got there as everyone also started flooding in, Mcgonagall was sitting at her desk, Me and Ginny sat down next to each other, once everyone settled down she stood up and began to speak on what the class was about, then the doors opened and in came running the Slytherin boy that I had met yesterday and a Ravenclaw boy.

"Mr. Hughe and Mr. Campbell" Professor Mcgonagall said, they were both trying to control there breathing, "We're sorry, Professor" Noah said, "I'll be lenient since it is your first day, but don't expect this again...now go sit" Mcgonagall said, both boys nodded and went to go find seats.

Of course the only seats available were the one right in front of Me and Ginny, Noah sat in front of me and the Ravenclaw boy sat in front of Ginny. In the middle of class we were writing notes while Mcgonagall was talking, she performed a spell but I couldn't see because of the Slytherin in front of me.

"I swear, it's like they do it on purpose" I whispered to Ginny, she also looked annoyed and nodded in agreement, "Uhh, excuse me" I whispered to the boys, they didn't say anything nor turned around, I raised an eyebrow, I grabbed Noah's robe and tugged on it a bit.

He then turned around and looked at me, "Could you possibly scoot over" I asked in a very nice tone, "Uhhh, let me think, how about, No" He said and turned back around, that was very rude. Ginny leaned over the desk and tugged on Noah's robe and he turned back around, "Listen here, you are going to turn around and apologize for being rude" She whispered yelled.

Noah looked at me and then back at her, the Ravenclaw boy also now turned around after hearing the order, "What's going on" He asked "Nothing" Noah said and got near my ear, "I am very sincerely apologizing" He said, I looked at him, "Uh-Huh" I said "I am, genuinely" Noah said and raised his arms, "Mr. Hughe, this is the second time you've disrupted this class" Mcgonagall said.

"I-Uh-Um" I cut Noah off, "Professor, it was my fault, I was telling him how I couldn't see what you were doing since he was in front of me and blocking my view" I said, "Is this true, Mr. Hughe" Mcgonagall asked "Absolutely" He said.

"Fine, but this will be your last warning" Mcgonagall said and continued with the lecture. After class Me and Ginny packed up and were headed for the hall, "Hey, wait up" A voice behind us said, it was Noah, "I've got to go, Y/N" Ginny said looking more aware of her surroundings "Oh, alright, I'll see you later" I said, she quickly nodded before scurrying away. "Yes" I said to Noah, "I, Uh, wanted to thank you for helping me out like that" He said "Oh, that, no problem" I said, his Ravenclaw friend walked up to him and I gave a nod as I walked out.

After that I found Ginny again and we went to the great hall and sat down, close to us was Ron, Harry and Hermione, I saw that Ron was trying to tape his wand together. "Say it, I'm doomed" Ron told Harry who was writing down on his notebook with a quill, "You're doomed" Harry said "Hi, Harry" A boy said in front of him, he had a camera and a bright flash went off as he took a picture, "I'm Colin Creevey, I'm in Gryffindor too" The boy said excitedly, "Hi, Colin, Nice to meet you" Harry said, Colin was a first year like me.

Then we heard an owl screech, "Ron, is that your owl" Dean said, an owl flew into the great hall and landed in a bowl of chips making a mess, some people laughed, "Bloody bird's a menace" Ron said as he grabbed the red letter from the birds beak, the owl got back up and flew away, Ron's face formed a panicked expression, "Oh, No" He said "Look, everyone, Weasley's got himself a Howler" Seamus said.

People laughed, "Go on, Ron, I ignored one from my gran once, it was horrible" Neville said, Ron slowly opened the card, "Ronald Weasley" The letter yelled in a female voice once he opened it, he let it go, the letter then formed into a mouth, "How dare you steal that car, I am absolutely disgusted, your father's now facing an inquiry at work and it's entirely your fault" The Letter said and got right in his face "If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home" It yelled, it turned in our direction, "Oh, and, Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud" The letter said, it turned back to Ron and stuck the tongue out at him and then self destructed into multiple little papers.

The boy who learned to trust Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora