16 ┊: The Greatest 

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Harry slowly began to float as the key's continued attacking him, I got next to Ron and Hermione, he zoomed up and then back down "Catch the key" Harry yelled, he threw the key with a broken wing close to us as he zoomed back up, Hermione jumped and got it, we ran to the door and she tried the key, "Hurry up" Ron yelled as he looked back at Harry, she unlocked the door and we pushed it open, Harry zoomed in behind us and we closed the door.

After that we continued walking and there was another door, we opened it and inside the room was a bunch of huge black and white statues, "I don't like this, I don't like this at all" Hermione whispered as the door silently closed behind us, "Where are we, a graveyard" Harry asked "This is no graveyard" Ron said as he walked forward and looked around, "It's a chessboard" Ron said "No way" I said as the room lit up. We walked up to Ron, each statue was a different type of chess piece, "There's the door" Harry said and pointed at the door that was across the room, we began to walk across the chest board but the statues awoke and made X's with the swords, it made us jump back a bit, we went back and they went back into position, "Now what do we do" Hermione asked "It's obvious, isn't it, we've got to play our way across the room, Alright, Harry, you take the empty bishop's square" Ron said and motioned to the free space behind us, Harry left go stand on it, "Hermione, you'll be the queen-side castle" Ron said, Hermione gave a small nod, "Y/N, you be the king piece... as for me, I'll be a knight" Ron said, we all went to our places and stood there.

"What happens now" Hermione asked "Well, white moves first and then... we play" Ron said, he was sitting on a knight chess piece. A white piece moved two spots towards us, "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like... real wizard's chess, do you" Hermione worriedly asked, Ron didn't answer, he pointed at a piece, "You there, d5" Ron said, the piece moved where he wanted it too. The white one took out his swords and sliced the black one in half, "Yes, Hermione, I think this is gonna be exactly like wizard's chess" Ron said, we all looked at Ron.

We played for a while and watch as pieces were destroyed, "Castle to e4" Ron said and pointed, "Pawn to C3" Ron said once it was our turn again. One near Harry was destroyed and he covered himself as pieces went flying everywhere, now that I looked at everyone, we were all dirty and Harry was bleeding from the keys, Harry looked around once the piece was gone, "Wait a minute" Harry said "You understand why, Harry... once I make my move, the queen will take me, then you're free to check the king" Ron said "No, Ron, No" Harry yelled "What is it" Hermione asked "He's going to sacrifice himself" Harry said, Hermione looked at Ron, "No, you can't there must be another way" Hermione yelled "Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that stone or not" Ron said.

"Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it, Not me, Not Hermione, Not Y/N, You" Ron yelled, Harry nodded, Ron breathed in air as he held onto the knight piece, "Knight to h3" Ron said and his piece began to move, when it stopped at the place Ron ordered he looked at us, "Check" Ron said, the Queen began to move towards Ron, it pulled out it's sword and stabbed the horse, Ron screamed as he fell to the ground and the horse fell after.

Me and Harry yelled, Hermione was holding her hands and looked petrified as she was about to move, "No, don't move" Harry yelled, she stopped and went back to her place and gave a nod "Don't forget, we're still playing" Harry said and pointed at her, Harry moved his piece which was just himself, Hermione stared worriedly at Ron and watched Harry, "Checkmate" Harry said as he got to his spot, the king dropped it's sword and it clattered on the floor.

We all ran to Ron and squatted down but didn't know what to do, he was unconscious, "Both of you take care of Ron, then go to the owlery, send a message to Dumbledore, Ron's right, I have to go on" Harry said and looked at the door "You'll be okay, Harry, you're a great wizard, you really are" Hermione said "Not as good as you" Harry said, Hermione gave a small chuckle, "Me, books and cleverness, there are more important things, friendship and bravery, and, Harry just be careful" Hermione said, Harry have a nod, Harry then stood up, "Go got them, Harry" I said, he smiled at me before walking away.

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