Be More Chill (Part 1)

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HCD Presents: Oodle's Bad Boy Special

It was early in the morning, Oodle was getting ready for the day.

Chocolate Bar: Hey Oodle, can I use your iron for a second. My collars look uneven.

Oodle: Sure thing CB!

*Oodle gives him his iron.*

Chocolate Bar: Thanks dude.

Gold Ingot: Hey Oodle, can I get your opinion on something.

Oodle: Oh sure what is it?

Gold Ingot: I need to buy a new shirt. But I'm not sure what to get.

Oodle: Hmmm. I say you get this one. It suits your color and it's on sale too.

Gold Ingot: Oh wow you're right! Thanks Oodle!!

Computer: Oodle!!!

Oodle: Oh doodle. Computer what's going on?

Computer: I got my hair stuck on the curler again!

Oodle: What! Why do you even have a curler?... Whatever. Hold Still!

*Oodle grabs bits of Computers hair and untangles bits of it. Then he grabbed a pair of scissors to cut off some of the hair.*

Oodle: Ok. Some of your air got cut off. But it's good as new.

Computer: Thanks Oodle. You're the best!

Oodle: Well we're besties for a reason! Now come on, all the waffles are gonna be gone if we don't get to the cafeteria soon!

Computer: Oh Yeah!! They're Serving Waffles Today!! Let's Go!!

*Soon everyone is at the cafeteria. Computer and Oodle arrived at their table with their waffles. While everyone else had envelopes in their hands.*

Oodle: Hey guys!

MePhone4: Hey Oodle. What's with these red envelopes?

Oodle: Oh doodle. Is it already personality of the month?

4: Personality of the month?

Computer: Yeah Scoutmaster would give these envelopes out to describe how we were for the summer.

Crayon Box: He does this so that the parents can at least have one good feedback from their child.

Paint Palette: Well I know I'm one of them. Says here I was sweet and supportive!

Crayon Box: Mine says I'm strong and fearless.

Controlly: Yep. That's about right.

Gamey: What's yours Controlly?

*Controlly opens his letter.*

Controlly: Calm and a good listener... You know what, I'll take it.

Gamey: Mine says I'm intelligent and skilled.

4: I got........ Loud and proud....... I don't know how to feel about that.

Burger King: Didn't curse as much as last year. The fuck, it felt like I did more.

Airy: Quiet and pays attention..... Ok.

MePhone4: I got....... Determined and selfless. Hey, not bad.

Chocolate Bar: Thanks Wand for only making my note say I'm smart.

Gold Ingot: How is me having a lot of money to say this. It's just true.

Computer: Well I got loving and thoughtful. What about you Oodle?

Oodle: It's the same thing as last year. Nice and helpful.

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