The Candy Smugglers

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It was breakfast time, and Crayon Box was gonna pull a prank on Computer with her powers.

Crayon Box: Alright. Time to mess with Computer.

*That's when she shapeshifts into MePhone and walks up to Computer.*

Crayon Box as MePhone: Hello my little cookie dough face. I Wuv you so much! I want to hug you and kiss you so many times!!

Computer: Yeah. Nice try Crayon Box.

Crayon Box: What!! How Did You Know!!

Computer: My Blueberry Muffin wouldn't come up to me with full confidence. He's too shy. Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to cut my steak

*Then he brings out his blades from his fingers and cuts his steak.*

Computer: I love me some carne asada. With some Horchata of course.

*The Gold Ingot zooms in.*

Gold Ingot: Mine!

Computer: Hey!!

MePhone4: Would you guys knock it off!! You're gonna give us away if you keep showing your powers!!!

Controlly: Don't you have some sort of mind eraser thing.

MePhone4: Well yeah. But I shouldn't have to use it often.

Oodle: Guys, it looks like we're not going to hang out by the Karaoke cabin. Apparently all 12 of us are assigned with a trouble maker.

Burger King: Really!!? We're Doing This Again!! Fuck I hate brats!

4: What exactly are we doing?

Paint Palette: We're taking care of kids that have been bad or acting up.

MePhone4: What!!? We're Taking Care Of Kids Again!!!

Chocolate Bar: I'm just hoping these kids aren't as bad as you guys explained them.

*That's when a bus pulls up and drops off 12 kids.*

Plasma Ball:..... This is the place we're staying in!?

Nicole: It looks fucking ugly to me!!

Lava Bucket: Aw Sweet!! I can test out my lava throwing!!

Blocky: Yeah!! And To Do My Pranks On!!!

Soccer Ball: Yeah!! But let's not try to destroy anything. Otherwise we get in more trouble.

Blocky: Oh yeah.

Guarana: Alright I checked everything. Looks like there's a way to do our plan tonight.

Chocolatey: We're still doing that? After what happened the last time that got us here in the first place.

Bottle: Hey! We may have failed last time, but we can try again and not make the same mistakes again.

Bryce: You know what! I can't believe you guys dragged me into this! I could've been at home reading comics! But instead I'm stuck with you 5 year olds!!

Broomer: Ummm hello. Some of us are 6.

Pitchfork: And we had a deal! If you back down, we can easily tell the principal what really happened in the 4th grade classroom's bathroom!

Bryce:..... You're a brat you know that.

Broomer: Plus we can't let you go unless our leader says so. Right Paintbrush!?....... Paintbrush?

*Paintbrush was just looking at the road. Wondering about something.*

Broomer: Hello. Earth to Paintbrush.

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