Love Potion

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Computer was drawing something on his desk. Oodle was wondering what he was drawing, so he went to check it out.

Oodle: So. What are you drawing this time?

Computer: Drawing me and my muffin on our first date.

Oodle: Oh really. And what does that look like?

Computer: See for yourself.

*Computer shows Oodle the drawing.*

Computer: Look. Here's us holding hands while he has his milkshake, and I have my Horchata. Then here's us riding a two person bike together. And then there's us watching the sunset together.

Oodle: And you thought of all of this in one drawing.

Computer:....... Oodle. I've been having a crush on people since I was 5. When am I gonna have a partner and start being in a relationship?

Oodle: You'll find a partner eventually. It's just going to take some time.

Computer: Awww But I Waited Too Long!!! I was really hoping to get a date when MePhone asked me to the dance!

Oodle: Well think about it, Computer. Would you rather wait and find someone you can be in a healthy relationship with? Or would you rather make it quick and force someone to date you.

Computer: I do want a healthy relationship. But I Want A Date So Badly!!!

Oodle: Maybe you should go outside. Take some time off the whole thing. It does look nice out here.

Computer: Fine.

Oodle: Atta boy!

*Both Oodle and Computer go outside.*

Computer: This is so unfair. I've been nice to all of my crushes and yet I'm still single! I want a partner now!!!

Gamey: EUREKA!!!

Computer: Huh? What's going on?

*Computer peaks through the Gamer Quad cabin.*

Gamey: It's finally done! I finally made my love potion!!! Just one drop of this, and the first person that they see is the person that automatically falls in love with!!!..... Huh? 10:00 already..... Oh well, I could go outside and get some fresh air.

*Gamey leaves his potion by his bed. Then he leaves. After he leaves, Computer goes inside the cabin.*

Computer: Welp Computer. Looks like you're gonna be in a relationship after all! Hehe!!

*Computer takes the potion. Later on, he sees MePhone by the lake throwing rocks.*

Computer: Ok. I added the potion to these cookies. Just have MePhone take one, and he'll be my boyfriend!! Hehe!!!

*We go to MePhone.*

MePhone4: Come on, how did he do it!!! Ok. Let's do it again. Shake it a bit. Don't throw it too hard but not soft. And.....

*He threw the rock and the rock was skipping on the lake.*

MePhone4: YES!! I DID IT!!

Computer: Hi my lovely butterfly!

MePhone4: Oh. Computer. What are you doing here?

Computer: Well I'm planning to make some sweets for a bake sale and I was wondering if you would want to try these cookies. They're strawberry flavored.

MePhone4: Well I could go for a snack right now. Why not?

*MePhone grabs the cookie and starts eating it.*

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