Chapter 37

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The next morning was a scramble to get ready and out the door, but Grant did make sure Mia had not only her coffee but a breakfast sandwich since she did not have much dinner the previous night. He told her to make sure she did not skip lunch either, he felt guilty for not giving her a good dinner.

After a busy day at work, Mia arrived home to find Grant cooking. She kissed him and asked, "What's for dinner?" He returned the kiss and said, "We are having pork chops, gravy, mashed potatoes and salad. Why don't you go get changed into something more comfortable." Mia nodded and headed to the bedroom where she changed into leggings and a tight camisole, leaving her bra behind. She slid on a pair of socks and called it good.

When she got back to the kitchen, she pulled out plates, silverware, etc. and set them each a place on the island. She fixed herself a glass of water and asked Grant what he wanted to drink, and he requested water as well. She pulled the salad out of the fridge along with dressing, and then asked, "What can I do to help?" Grant shook his head and said it was almost ready.

They chatted about their days, and discussed what they were going to serve for the game night tomorrow, and just relaxed in each other's company. When they finished eating, they cleaned the kitchen together and then Grant said, "Now it's time to go over last night. Let's head for the living room." Mia grabbed her water glass and followed him, although she was sort of hoping to skip this part.

Mia did not mind that people saw her naked, she accepted that last night during the whole process, but she did not want to read what people said about her. She knew it was most likely their friends from the group, and she knew they would not be mean, but she was afraid their praise would be overly sweet as they tried to overcompensate.

Seated side by side on the sofa, Grant pulled a folder off the coffee table and said, "As you most likely guessed, those that were here last night were Jade, Jasmine, Paul, Jason, Gavin, Matt, Mark, Susan and Gabe." Mia was surprised because she did not remember that many people, but she nodded. Grant continued, "They each took time to write what they thought, and I told them to be honest, but not to candy coat things because that would just anger you."

Laughing Mia nodded, and then she opened the file folder. The first one was from Jasmine, and it said, "I have always thought you are beautiful inside and out, but this raw display of beauty was breathtaking. The ropes both bound you and set also set you free. The ropes not only showcased your beauty but your strength." When Mia finished reading there were tears in her eyes, because she knew Jasmine well enough to know she would not sugar coat things.

The next paper was from Gabe, and it said, "While I am just beginning to know you, I was struck by the way you were in your own world. As a sub as well, I know it is hard to get to that place with others around, but I could see your trust in Grant, and how you had given everything away, yet held the power to yourself. The ropes drew my eyes to different beautiful parts of your body, but the real glory was looking at you as a whole."

Mia shook her head and Grant asked, "What is that head shake about?" Mia shrugged and said, "I guess I am trying to accept others view of me." Grant smiled and said, "Just keep reading." The next was from Jason and it said, "I am so jealous, you are smart, kind and beautiful. The only saving grace is you don't realize how beautiful you are. I would challenge anyone who saw you tonight to call anything but beautiful."

Up next was from Mark and it said, "I normally look more at the ropes when seeing Shibari, but I could not help but look at the allure of your face. It was fierce, strong and calm all at the same time. I am writing a second book and I would love for you to model, of course only if Grant agrees." Mia laughed and said, "Promise me you will not agree." Grant smiled and said, "I am willing to show you off to select friends but not in a book that will be published nationwide."

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