Chapter 26 - 18 + Smut Warning

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The day was busy, with lots of questions about one of the new projects and Mia and Rebecca had to spend most of the afternoon at a client site. But they finished about 4:30 and Rebecca said, "Just go home, no need to go back to the office." Mia thanked her and headed over to Grant's house, and when she pulled into the garage his car was not there. She closed the door and pulled her bags out and went inside, after greeting and petting Gunner she went to the bedroom where she unpacked her bag. She changed into jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers and headed back to the kitchen. Grant was entering the kitchen when she walked into it from the other side.

They met in the middle of the kitchen and Grant pulled her close and kissed her, a long slow kiss where he tasted every inch of her mouth while pulling her closer so that her body rubbed against his. When the kiss finally broke, Mia laid her head on his chest and just sighed. Grant laughed and said, "I take it that you missed me." She laughed and said, "Well I certainly missed your kisses." Grant laughed and swatted her bottom saying, "I missed all of you." He took her hand and led her to the bedroom and said, "You sit and talk to me while I change for tonight."

They talked about her day and his day,  and just normal chit chat. Grant came out of his closet wearing black jeans, a black button-up shirt and black sneakers, and Mia thought he looked delicious. The drive to Paul and Jason's house was not long, and soon they were amid the group laughing and chatting. Paul had made chicken pot pie with a side salad, and everyone dug in because it smelled wonderful. Once everyone was seated and started to eat, Jade asked, "Have you heard any more about your mother?" Mia relayed what she had learned from Thad.

After dinner, everyone helped clean up and then Jade pulled out the game she had brought for them to play. Laughter exploded when everyone saw that she had brought Twister and she said, "We will play in two groups, Gavin, Matt, Grant and Mia then Paul, Jason, Jasmine and me." Everyone helped spread out the plastic game board and Jade spun the wheel, saying, "Right foot, yellow." The four players moving quickly to get their foot onto the right color, then Jade said, "Left hand, blue." Everyone was able to do that one as well, so her next call was "Right hand, red." But this time Gavin fell and was out of the game, laughing he patted Matt's butt and said, "Our family honor rests on you." Which made everyone laugh. The next call was "Right foot, blue." which caused Grant to fall, leaving only Mia and Matt, both of whom were having a hard time because they were laughing so hard. Jade laughed and said, "Right foot, red." Mia had it, but she was laughing at Matt trying to move his foot without falling, and before she knew it, they were both on the floor laughing. That game was labeled a draw.

The second game was just as funny with Gavin calling and Paul and Jasmine dropping early, but Jade and Jason fight tooth and nail to win, and Jade's small size and gymnastic training led her to victory in the end. Jade wanted to play a third game, but everyone was tired from all the laughter. Jade then pulled out a second game she called the double dice game, which she had two lists with six items on each list, the first said, 1-kiss, 2-suck, 3-squeeze, 4-bite, 5-touch, 6-roller's choice and the second said, 1-face, 2-arms, 3-chest/breast, 4-neck, 5-back, 6-roller's choice. The rules where you rolled one dice to match something on the first list and then the second dice to match something on the second list and when you had both you had to do that to your partner.

Jade went first to show how it was done and rolled two and five, which meant she had to suck some part of Jasmine's back. Jasmine was wearing a tank top, so Jade sucked a spot on her mid upper back, leaving a small hickey. Gavin rolled next and he rolled five and six, which meant he had to touch some part of Matt's body. Everyone was giving him ideas of what he should touch, and Gavin was nodding to all of them while looking at Matt with eyes that could have scorched him, they were so hot. Gavin told Matt to stand up and when both were standing Gavin cupped his ass with his hands and pulled him close. Everyone cheered and Matt blushed a little, but everyone knew he was loving it.

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