Chapter 11 - 18+ Smut Warning

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Mia left and ran her errands, then she went home and did some of her weekly cleaning. When she finished, she decided to soak in the tub for a while. Once out of the tub she picked out a pair of jeans, a simple T-shirt and sneakers to wear over to Grant's house. She skipped the bra and panties because she would need to undress quickly and then she packed a bag that included a white thong, black thong, black peek a boo bra, white peek a boo bra, black flats, white flats, a short sexy red dress and then another pair of jeans, T-shirt and socks. Once she packed her clothes, she added her makeup bag, as well as her hair dryer and curling iron just in case. She had braided her hair after her bath, but depending on what she was to wear tonight, she might need to dry it and curl it.

The drive to Grant's house was quick and she pulled into the garage and got out of her car. She pressed the button to bring the garage door down and headed inside. Since she did not see Grant or Gunner she headed down to the playroom, where she found a note that said, "Be naked and kneeling within ten minutes of entering the house. Mia quickly stripped down and entered the code and went into the room, she saw on the bed was a blindfold and a pair of ear plugs, but she did not touch them because she had not been instructed to do so. She knelt on the kneeling mat Grant had left and closed her eyes and waited.

Mia heard the door open, but she did not open her eye until Grant commanded her to do so, "Open your eyes and look at me beautiful." She immediately opened her eyes and found his and smiled when she saw Grant holding a collar. He smiled and said, "I have this collar for you, you should always wear it in the playroom and to the clubs, I want everyone to know you are mine. Understand?" Mia responded, "Yes sir." Grant showed her the collar up close; it was about less than an inch wide, black leather and embossed on the sides were the words taken and owned. He put it around her neck and closed the clasps. There was a ring at the front where he could attach a leash or even just use it to pull her with his finger.

Once he had the collar on her he began to apply leather bands around her, the top of her arms, below her breast across her hips, at her knees, and then at her ankles, when he was done, he picked her up and carried her to a padded bench and sat her down on it. Then he went back and got the blindfold and the ear plugs, but before he put them on her he said, "If you need me to stop at any point simply say red and I will stop, OK?" Mia nodded and said, "Yes sir." Grant smiled and said, "Now I am going to blindfold you and put earplugs in, so you will lose those two senses, which will heighten your sense of smell, touch and taste."

After blindfolding her and putting in the earplugs Grant waited for a moment or two, letting her adjust to them, then he went and opened the door and brought in a tray that he had left on the bench. First, he lit a fragrant candle which was coffee scented, since she loves coffee. He could see the instant she began to smell it because she smiled and turned towards the candle and then he brought a glass over that had a straw in it and put the straw to her lips. When she drank, she smiled even bigger, and he laughed because he knew she liked the iced coffee he had given her. Then he got a large feather from the closet and began to caress her with it, slowly dragging it over her nipples, down her back, across her stomach and then down her legs.

Mia loved the scent of coffee and the taste of the iced coffee, but when he started touching her with the feather, she thought she would go mad. It tickled, but at the same time it made her skin almost jerk, because it was so soft. He played with the feather for a while, caressing her nipples with it until they were hard and aching wanting more. Grant switched to silicone gloves where each finger had a different texture, first working up and down her back, causing Mia to shiver repeatedly. Then he removed straps at her ankles and knees and gently laid her back onto the bench and started squeezing her nipples with the gloves.

It was a weird sensation for Mia, pleasant, but because she could not see the gloves, she could not figure out what he was using. One of the fingers had small silicone spikes and he began rubbing her nipples with those until Mia was arching off the bench and begging for more. Grant stopped with the gloves and took an ice cube into his mouth and then began to suck on one of her nipples. Mia cried out when his cold mouth began to suck on her nipple, Grant asked, "Red, yellow or green?" Mia mumbled, "Green, sir."

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