"We know..." She says melting your heart once again with her wisdom beyond her age.

"From now its just us. Promise me you'll   tell me everything. Anything you feel, anything you want to share, your fears and your worries tell me everything."

"I miss her daddy..." Yejun says and the three of them cried as they hugged each other. You couldn't help but break down.

Days passed and life went on. The children seemed to adjust into a life without their mother. Although it was hard you tried to help their family as much as you could. Jungkook took meds to put himself to sleep at night. There was a quietness looming over him but for his children he kept himself composed.

They started to build new routines and new practices. A whole new way of living started to develop for them. After all a mother can only know what her kids actually need but you tried your best to understand them and to cater accordingly.

The kids were put to bed when Jungkook sat on the sofa staring into the darkness of the night through the huge glass pane door which opened into the balcony.

"Hey... can we talk for a while or do you wanna go sleep?" You asked him looking at his face for a response.

"It's fine. I guess somehow its all falling back into place slowly but yeah it is... thanks for being here. Nobody else is cooperating with them. I couldn't have done it alone."

"Jungkook for as long as you need me..." You tell him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Now tell me the truth. How did your marriage not work?"

You take a deep breath before starting to answer his question. Sitting on the seat on the side of the sofa you looked at him as you spoke.

"The inability to produce a child broke us apart. Of course there were many other factors but that was the biggest one..."

"I know you need someone too who listens to you. Tell me everything." He said as you continued.

"Remember when you were on a trip and me and Jaesung came here. When he met Ria he started asking for a baby. I was ready but I asked him to give me a few more months. I had just settled into a new job there so I couldn't take a break so early. Well then six months after that we started trying. At first it was just casual, we just stopped using contraceptives and nothing else. Then as months passed by and there was still nothing we started timing the fertile window and slowly stopped a lot of unhealthy habits. Jaesung used to feel irritated when each month I told him I had my period on the exact date.

When even after a year nothing happened we finally decided to meet a doctor but they couldn't detect a problem in any of us. That was when the struggle started. Jaesung... he desperately wanted a biological child. 
We literally met every doctor there and got tests done I don't even know how many times but each of them said there was no problems. We still tried every damned treatment possible. Ivf, iui, donor sperms, donor eggs, chinese medicine, ayurveda, homeopathy, allopathy... you name it we did it. I tried every possible thing. We were literally having sex everyday no matter what. I don't know why but nothing worked for us. Nothing just got me pregnant.

I gave up any hopes of ever conceiving a child after going through it for five years. I wanted to adopt. I myself have only survived because I was adopted. Jaesung was against it... I don't know why. He started saying things then he started doing things. And then it all came out one night when we fought so badly that we hit each other. I wouldn't say it was completely his fault since I did too... but then he went ahead and falsely accused me of sexual abuse.

That took away from me what even being childless or a broken marriage didn't... my job was gone, my savings, I lost my health. Thankfully I had found a  team who helped me and I did get justice, divorce and alimony.

He didn't used to pay for any of it... he started to not listen to me during sex. He used to come home drunk all the time. Most nights he didn't even came home. When he was home he would only insult me and just.... I don't wanna remember any of it now...

I've come a long way Jungkook"

"I had no idea at all..."

"You were lucky to have found peace with Dahyun. She was so happy with you..."

"I was happy too... After Ria I was really happy. There were ups and downs too but we were content with each other. I guess the world couldn't see us like that. I had come to love her and now she's gone. And..." he cried again as you held him with his head resting on your shoulder.

"I was content with just Ria but she wanted me to have a baby of my own so badly. She even suffered a miscarriage before Yejun but still she tried again after that. And... I haven't told this to anyone.." he pulled himself away as he looked away from you when you looked at him with questioning eyes.

"She was pregnant when she died. I found a test... she was going to show it to me later... I didn't only lose her I also lost a child..."

"Are you sure about that?"

"We didn't think it could happen anymore but we didn't use a condom a couple of times last month. So I guess it was true..." he tells you. If it were any other time when he would've mentioned his and his wife's sex life you would've been disgusted by the thought of it but right now this revelation only made you feel more pain. Dahyun's death wasn't something which should've happened but yet somehow her story was over.

In this moment you couldn't do anything but just offer him comfort in your arms as you both laid on the couch in the dark room. You both had been through a lot but now you had each other and could stay beside for the rest of your life.

ENCHANTED Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon