Cheng Yan paused, and the man's gaze suddenly swept over.

"Pry now."

His tall figure stood up, and Cheng Yan followed Rong Zhen out while confessing.

The car drove back to the Rong's house at the fastest speed, and the servants in the living room stood together anxiously, seeing Rong Zhen's return, they didn't feel their hearts sinking, but were even more panicked.

Everyone has seen their lofty husband bow down and dote on others, and the aunt who often takes care of Jiang Jili looks at Cheng Yan with trepidation.

"The door is already in the crematorium of the ex-husband after running with the ball, remember the URL: 1. Someone pried it open, Madam is fine, but..."

Cheng Yan didn't speak, Rong Zhen went up to the attic non-stop after entering the door, the servant downstairs was sent out by Cheng Yan, he had a bad feeling.

third floor.

The door had been pried open, and it was opening towards the winding mahogany stairs. Rong Zhen saw the young man at a glance. He was squatting quietly by the huge French window, looking out as if distracted.

The young man was already thin. Although he was wearing loose clothes, he was huddled in a corner with his arms hugged together on his knees, making him appear smaller and more lonely.

"Baby, what are you looking at?"

Rong Zhen's footsteps were very light, and he couldn't help lowering his voice, as if he was afraid of startling someone who was in a trance.

But I didn't expect Jiang Jili to respond quickly when he heard his question. His voice was low, as if a gust of wind could blow it away at any time, until there was no news.

"The camellias in the garden are beautiful," he said.

Rong Zhen walked into the attic, wanting to approach the young man slowly: "Mr. then ask them to transplant a few pots at home for you to raise."

"No need." Jiang Jili lowered his eyelashes, stood up suddenly, raised his hand to open the upper window, and said, "It's too delicate, I'm afraid it will die."

Rong Zhen's footsteps suffocated, and he felt something was wrong even more.

"Baby, come downstairs with me, sir, will you take me to the garden to see the flowers?"

Jiang Jili shook his head.

"Sir, I don't want to see flowers."

"If you don't want to watch it today, then go tomorrow."

Jiang Jili leaned against the window and explained, "I mean, I don't want to watch it anymore."

Rong Zhen finally changed his face, he stopped walking slowly, and quickly walked towards the young man who was half-body leaning out of the window, his voice was very deep: "Lili, come back!"

Jiang Jili was also very obedient, he didn't make any dangerous moves, he just turned his head and looked at the anxious man: "Don't come here again."

"I'm worried about you." Rong Zhen's tone softened again: "Baby, what can I say to my husband, don't scare him, huh? Obedient, come here."

Jiang Jili's eyes are filled with many complicated emotions, which are fragile and heartbreakingly sad.

He gently grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Sir, I don't want to make a scene. I'm very tired, and it's making trouble with me again today. I can't eat the snacks made by Aunt Wu, but it's not Aunt Wu's fault. is my problem."

An Ex-Husband's Crematorium Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin