Chapter 45 - A New Side

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John's PoV

Following the usual routine, I got up from my bed before taking a quick shower, changing to my uniform after finishing. As I begin going downstairs to make breakfast, the doorbell suddenly rang. I walked to the door and opened it as I am immediately greeted by Tohka along with the other spirits.

Tohka: "Good morning John!"

John: "What are you guys doing here this early?"

Tohka: "We are all walking to school together of course!"

John: "Uh... school starts in two hours and it's only a half an hour walk from here to there. What's the ACTUAL reason to come here this early?"

Tohka: "Umm..."

Yuzuru: "Translate, she insisted us to have breakfast here for today." I gave Tohka a deadpan look as she gave me an "innocent" smile in return."

John: "Well both Shido and Kotori haven't woken up yet. So making breakfast for eight people will take a while to do by myself."

Natsumi: "I'll help you again if you want."

John: "Okay. Natsumi will help me in the kitchen, the rest of you go to the living room and relax."

As the girls goes to the living room to do what they want to do, I go checked on the fridge to see what ingredients we have. To my surprise, there is two large containers of leftover rice, a couple spring onions, a couple shallots, and a box of large eggs. There's also a bag of ground beef.

Natsumi: "So what are we making John?"

John: "Egg fried rice."

Natsumi: "Okay. I heard you make these delicious according to Tohka." I smiled and gave Natsumi a pat on the head.

John: "That's Tohka we are talking about, she finds everything I make delicious. Since you are my fellow cook, I'll let you try them first to see whether you liked it or not. Your opinion matters the most after all."

Natsumi: "Are you sure you won't be upset if I gave you my honest thoughts?"

John: "Nope, I won't be upset at all. In fact, your opinion will definitely help me improve my dish the next time I cook egg fried rice again. Take this as a little learning experience. There's always a space to improve."

Natsumi: "O-okay... I'll give you my honest opinion once I try the dish..."

John: "Aight, let's begin. Can you help me chop these shallots first while I start cooking the beef?"

Natsumi: "Okay. What size do you want me to cut them into?"

John: "Cut them into tiny pieces. Cut the shallots like you would with an onion."

Natsumi: "Got it."

I passed Natsumi a cutting board as she carefully grabbed a sharp knife. As she begins to cut the shallots, I started to heat up the pan as I put the whole bag of ground beef on it. I grabbed a wooden spatula as I begin stirring the ground beef. I keep doing so until the ground beef has no more red color. I sprinkled a pinch of salt on them before stirring them for one more minute. Afterwards, I put the pan aside as I grabbed a wok to cook the shallots and eggs.

John: "Are the shallots ready Natz?"

Natsumi: "They are ready John. Where do I put them?"

John: "Put them onto the wok please."

Natsumi carries the cutting board to the wok before she dumps every pieces of shallots into it. I started stirring the shallots immediately afterwards.

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