Chapter 3 - An Idol's Gratitude

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John PoV

John: "Can I help you?"

???: "Aren't you the guy that saved me?"

John: "I thought you said you would rather be saved by another girl."

???: "I just wanted to say thank you for saving me, don't get me wrong. I still hate you for laying your hands on me. But I thought about what you said yesterday." She looks away as she said the last sentence.

John: "Hmm? What are you trying to say?"

???: "Sheesh, you men are so dense. I'm just thanking you. Nothing else" She says as she crossed her arms.

John: "Well alright. Is there anything else? I asked

???: "No, that's it."

John: "Well alright, then I'll be going then. I haven't ate anything this afternoon yet anyways." I said as I proceeded to walk away.

As I was I walking, I felt a hand touched my shoulder as I turned around to see the girl again.

???: "Well since you mentioned that, I will treat you as a sign of gratitude."

John: "No, you don't have to."

???: "I insist, and I won't accept no as an answer." She says as I sigh knowing rejecting her offer will not get me anywhere.

John: "Alright, fine. I'll accept your offer then."

???: "Yes, you better be grateful." She says as she crosses her arms looking away, I rolled my eyes casually in response.

She gestures me to follow her to which I found a bit rude. She and Jeremy would have argued nonstop if they ever were to meet. But then again, the latter would stop eventually since he won't stay mad at pretty women.

As I follow the girl. I tried to start a conversation especially since I still don't know her name yet.

John: "So miss..."

???: "What is it?" She says in an annoyed tone.

John: "Well since we are technically hanging out together. Shouldn't I know your name?"

???: "It's Miku as if you care."

John: "Well it's nice to meet you Miku, people calls me Mundy."

Miku: "Whatever."

John: "So Miku, where are we going? We already skipped passed the restaurant I was planning to go to."

Miku: "Sheesh, do you have any patience? We are going a special restaurant, I guarantee you it will be better than the one you were heading to."

John: "Well alright then." So is this what they would call a "tsundere?" I don't know, I'm still quite new to these terms after all.

After a couple minutes of walking. We finally reached our destination. A very fancy looking restaurant.

John: "Uh... Miku? This restaurant looks quite expensive."

Miku: "Don't worry about it, let's just head inside."

As the both of us walked inside, we were instantly greeted by a friendly looking waiter who is surprisingly dressed casually, yet a bit professional at the same time.

Waiter: "Welcome, table for two I presume?"

Miku: "Yes."

Waiter: "Right this way then." As he leads us to our table.

Waiter: "Here is the menu, let me know when you two would like to order." He says as he leaves.

I took a look at the menu, and there is surprisingly a lot of western foods here. However, the price is quite high as expected.

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