Chapter 24 - Just A Hangout

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John's PoV

Tohka: "So what else do we need to look for?"

Tohka is pushing the grocery cart next to me as I scan through the list Shido gave me for tonight's dinner. As he is currently busy on a date with Origami.

John: "All we need is just minced pork now."

Tohka: "Are we eating gyoza tonight!?" As I chuckled at her response.

John: "Yeah, we are."

Tohka: "Then let's not waste anymore time! To the meat section we go!" Tohka then quickly pushed the cart towards the meat section as fast as possible while I try to catch up to her."

After obtaining the minced pork and paying for the groceries, the both of us then proceeds to walk home. While doing so, I noticed Shido is standing in front of Origami in front of a fountain. The latter wearing a school swimsuit along with dog ears and tails. Origami then proceeds to grab Shido's belt as she then ties it around her neck like a leash.

Tohka: "John? Isn't that Shido and Tobii-" I quickly covered Tohka's eyes as I then escorted her out of the scene, not wanting Origami to be a bad influence to her.

John: "Let's just continue our way home Tohka, we can prepare a few gyoza for you to eat."

Tohka: "Really!?"

John: "Yes."

Tohka then grabs onto my arm as she then runs towards home as fast as she could while dragging me along. I can't help but sigh at Tohka's love for food. A couple minutes later, we eventually reached hole as I unlocked the door with the key before opening it. We then enter the kitchen after as Yoshino is seen watching opera on TV.

Yoshino: "Welcome big brother John, and Tohka..."

Yoshinon: "Oh hey you two! Welcome back!"

John: "Hey Yoshino and Yoshinon. Would you like some gyoza?"

Yoshino: "Okay."

John: "Alright, I'll go prepare them now."

Yoshino: "Can I help...?"

John: "Sure."

Tohka: "I'll help you too!"

John: "Okay, just go wash your hands first Tohka. Same goes for you Yoshino."

Tohka then quickly rushes towards the sink to wash her hands, with Yoshino following afterwards. I then showed them how to properly wrap and fold the wrappings. Tohka is having a little trouble at first, but she eventually got the hang of it. For Yoshino, she already got the hang of it. After finishing wrapping a couple pieces of the gyoza, I then started to pan fry them before adding water, sealing it with a lid after. As the gyoza cooks, I proceed to prepare a simple sauce for the gyoza consisting of only soy sauce and vinegar.

After making the sauce, the gyoza finished cooking after a couple minutes of waiting. I then put the pieces on the plate as I put the ones that are ready to prepare at anytime into the fridge for Shido and Kotori. After eating the gyoza, Tohka and I then went to the arcade. Yoshino decides to stay home to watch TV.

At the arcade, I watch Tohka play a couple games. Thinking every enemy is Origami. At the end, she destroys the machine as a result.

Tohka: "Hmph! That will show you Tobiichi!"

John: "Uh... Tohka, can you please stop destroying the machine? Aren't you taking this a bit too seriously?"

Tohka: "Hm? Then what should we do?"

John: "We could try the claw machines again if you like."

Tohka: "Sure, let's go."

The both of us then walked towards the claw machine as one of them catches Tohka's attention.

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