Chapter 43 - A Different Persona

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John's PoV

Kurumi: "John. Wake up."

John: "Ugh..." I slowly got up before looking around. I am immediately greeted with a very close up view of Kurumi, who is wearing her school uniform.

Kurumi: "Shido has succeeded in changing the past."

As my vision starts getting clearer, I noticed I am inside a bedroom I do not recognize. I got up before walking towards a nearby window, it is a clear day.

Kurumi: "My, don't rush~"

John: "Kurumi, whats the date today?"

Kurumi: "Today is November 3rd. The day Origami was supposed to go inversed."

John: "Okay. Now where is Shido?"

Kurumi: "He's at his home."

John: "Alright. Today is a school day. So I'll go ask Shido the questions there."

Kurumi: "Okay. But please eat breakfast first. I made them for you. I want to know if my cooking meet your little standards~"

Kurumi gestures me to a table. On the table is a plate of pancakes with maple syrup on it. I raised my eyebrows.

John: "It's just pancakes with maple syrup on it. Why do you need my output for a simple breakfast dish?"

Kurumi: "I added a little special ingredient in it~"

I gave Kurumi a skeptical look before eventually sitting on the table, grabbing a fork and knife. I cut a slice of the pancake before putting the piece in my mouth. At first, it tasted like your regular pancakes with maple syrup. However, I then tasted a sweet aftertaste afterwards.

John: "Is this chocolate?"

Kurumi: "You are correct dear John~"

John: "Well... it tastes fine I guess..."

Kurumi: "Just fine? Don't be stingy dear John~" I let out a sigh in defeat.

John: "Okay fine, the pancakes taste delicious. Are you happy now Kurumi?"

Kurumi: "Fufu good enough~"

Kurumi then passed me a bag, not before placing a bento box inside of it.

Kurumi: "That's for lunch, you can keep the box~"

John: "Aren't you coming to school with me too? I mean you are dressed in the school uniform after all..."

Kurumi: "I am flattered you noticed, but unfortunately I am not coming with you. I still have many "important business" to attend to."

John: "You know what, I'm not even going to question you about it. I just hope you finish them without any troubles."

Kurumi: "Hehe... Would you like me to take you to school and be on your way?"

John: "Sure. I don't mind. In fact, I could use the extra time to gather information about Tobiichi."

Kurumi: "Okay. Now please hold my hand."

I obliged and grabbed onto Kurumi's hand before the both of us starts sinking under the shadow. After a couple seconds, we then arises up on the rooftop of the school.

Kurumi: "See you soon John, let me know your feedback about the bento box lunch when we meet again~"

John: "Okay, also can you please finish the pancakes for me? I'm not the type of person that loves to waste food."

Kurumi: "Fufu it will be done. Until then~"

Kurumi gave me a quick hug before sinking into the shadows leaving me alone on the rooftop. I then checked my phone to see there is about ten minutes until school starts. I decided to go to my classroom and ask a couple of students who arrived early if they know Origami's name to which they denied. Unable to get any useful information, I decided to just take a seat at my desk to wait for Shido and the others to arrive. As if it's timed at a perfect moment, Shido bursts into the classroom panting heavily.

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