Chapter 15 - Operation Save Hermit

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April 19th 2011

John's PoV

Waking up early in the morning, I proceed to follow my usual morning routine. However remembering about last night, I look beside me to see Tohka sleeping peacefully. I quietly got off the bed before making my way towards the bathroom to clean myself up. After that, I proceed to go to the kitchen to make breakfast and lunch. Upon entering the living room, I am greeted by Kotori sitting on the couch.

Kotori: "Oh, good morning John."

John: "Good morning Kotori, you are up rather early today."

Kotori: "I was actually expecting something to happen today."

John: "What do you mean by that?"

Kotori: "Originally, I was planning to have my crew move you to Tohka's room as a form of training. But it seems Tohka made the move first.

John: "Kotori, just what kind of training are you trying to make me and Shido do?"

Kotori: "Situations involving getting put into a tight scenario involving two person of opposite genders."

John: "You mean scenarios that were forced upon by another individual."

Kotori: "It's unlikely, but still a possibility. The point of the training is to make sure Tohka form a high trust towards you, even if the situation is deemed embarrassing."

John: "Kotori, you know I am not the type of person who does this sort of thing on purpose."

Kotori: "How can you be sure about that?"

John: "I had a friend who would absolutely take advantage of these scenarios as much as possible, although I had to stop him from causing further problems every time."

Kotori: "Your friend sounds wild that's for sure."

I shaked my head.

John: "Other than his slightly perverted persona, he in general is a good person that means well to his friends." As Kotori lets out a sigh.

John: "Well anyways, I'll get started on breakfast. Shido should be waking up soon." I then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Not long after, Shido joins in to assist. The both of then prepare bento boxes for lunch including Tohka's.

After finishing preparing the bento boxes, Shido and I then sets the plates down on the dining table as Tohka soon joined us after.

After finishing breakfast, the four of us then proceed to walk towards school.

Later during lunch, I am eating lunch with Shido before Tohka asks if she can join us.

Tohka: "John! Can I eat lunch with you?"

John: "Sure, I don't mind."

Just then Origami interrupted.

Origami: "Princess."

Tohka: "Wha- What do you want Tobiichi Origami!?"

Origami: "I will be the one sitting next to him, I would like him to give me more feedback on my cooking."

Tohka: "No!"

Shido: "Can't you two ever solve things in a civil way?"

Just then, the space quake alarm suddenly rang. As soon as she heard the alarm, Origami quickly sprinted out of the classroom while Tohka is confused.

Tohka: "John, what is happening? Why are there loud blaring sounds all of sudden?"

John: "That is the space quake alarm, which means something very dangerous is happening right now. It won't be safe if we stay here."

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