Chapter 18 - Ramen Date

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John's PoV

After a relaxing break from the hot springs, I got ready to leave as the rest of my friends and family does the same.

John: "Hey guys, I'll be eating out today. Do any of you want anything to eat when I come back?"

Yoshino: "Oyakodon..."

Tohka: "Soy bean bread!"

John: "Main dish, not a snack Tohka" I chuckled as Tohka then pouts.

Tohka: "Uh... I don't actually know."

John: "Then I'll surprise you. Is that alright?"

Tohka: "Sure, I can't wait!"

John: "Shido, Kotori? How about you two?"

Shido: "I'm not a picky eater, so anything you choose."

Kotori: "Deluxe Kids Pl-" Shido covers Kotori's mouth before the latter could finish her sentence.

Shido: "That is restaurant food, not take out."

John: "You know, I could always try to replicate the recipe if that works."

Shido: "You can do that?"

John: "Yeah, after seeing Kotori ate this everytime we go out for dinner. I think I can replicate it. The ingredients aren't that difficult to find." Shido sighs.

Shido: "Okay, replica version of the deluxe kids plate for Kotori."

Kotori: "Yay! Thank you very much big brother!" Kotori then gave me a hug as I hug her back. She suddenly have white ribbons on.

John: "No problem Kotori. Just don't eat any sweets before dinner comes, otherwise you will ruin your appetite."

Kotori: "I'll try my best to restrain myself!"

John: "Okay, so I got everyone's order?"

Shido: "Yep, that is everyone."

John: "Okay cool. I'll see you guys later tonight then."

Shido: "Yep, see you man."

Kotori: "Bye big brother John!"

Tohka: "See you later!"

Yoshino: "B-bye big brother John..."

I then dialed Reine's number as she picks up after the first ring.

Reine: "Hello?"

John: "Hey Reine, can you teleport me to the Tengu City Park?"

Reine: "It will be done. How about the others?"

John: "They are getting ready to head home, make sure to drop them off at our home after dropping me off."

Reine: "Okay. Anything else?"

John: "That's all. Unless you would like me to buy you something?"

Reine: "That won't be necessary. I appreciate your kind gesture Mun..."

Mun is a nickname given to me by Reine. It's like when she calls Shido Shin for short.

John: "Alright. Can you teleport me to the park now?"

Reine: "Teleporting you now..."

I am then teleported to the park within a couple seconds as I begin walking towards my destination.

It took a couple minutes, but I eventually arrived at a ramen shop. I always wanted to try real ramen as back in my world, we eat instant noodles sometimes whenever the mercenaries are lazy to cook. Jeremy did try them at one point and claimed they are the "best thing you will ever have."

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