Chapter 41 - Friend or Foe?

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John's PoV

Days after the sealing of Natsumi, everything eventually returned back to normal. I slowly wake up at the usual time before attempting to get up. However, I felt a weight on my left arm as I looked to my side. An adult Natsumi can be seen wearing in only a lingerie stares at me with a seductive smile.

Natsumi: "Good morning, John."

John: "Natsumi? What are you doing in my room?"

Natsumi: "I still wanted to repay you in some way. This is the only thing I could think of."

John: "Well if you want to "repay" me, please go back to your original form and help me make breakfast for the others."

Natsumi: "That's it? You don't want anything else?"

John: "Natsumi, I told you this already, but I'm going to repeat it again. Even if you transform into your adult form, I will always look at you as a child that is in need of morale support. Just always remember, me and the others will always be there if you ever feel down. And if anyone ever makes fun of your appearance, stay strong and stand your ground. What I'm saying is, all I want from you is just to be yourself.

Natsumi gave me a smile before transforming back to her normal form.

Natsumi: "Thank you..."

I gave her a pat on the head before the two of us go down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Surprisingly, Natsumi is able to make a couple breakfast burritos without any need of assistance.

John: "Where did you learn how to cook Natz?"

Natsumi: "Self taught, although I don't find it that impressive..."

John: "May I try one?"

Natsumi: "If you want. I don't mind."

I then grabbed a breakfast burrito before taking a bite into it. It is really delicious!"

Natsumi: "What's wrong? Did I do terrible?"

John: "No, this is by far one of the best food I ever had in my entire life! You did really well Natz!" Natsumi blushed before looking away.

Natsumi: "Is my cooking really that great?"

John: "Of course. You may even rival a Michelin Star chef with that amazing cooking skill!"

Natsumi: "Thank you..."

Soon, both Shido and Kotori entered the dining room surprised at the food on the table.

Shido: "That is a nice aroma. Did you made this John? Also hey Natsumi."

Natsumi: "Hello Shido, Kotori..."

John: "Actually, I didn't. Natsumi did. She made these all by herself."

Kotori: "Really?"

John: "Yeah, try it out for yourselves. Just a little warning though, you might have foodgasm."

Shido: "It's that good?"

John: "Yeah."

Both Shido and Kotori grabbed a breakfast burrito before taking a bite at the same. Two faces of pure bless is shown.

Kotori: "Natsumi... I don't even know what to say..."

Natsumi: "Did I do bad...?"


John: "Glad you liked them. Natsumi is a great cook. And the both of you won't believe this, she is actually self taught!"

Shido: "No way a self taught cook can create such a
delicious dish!"

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