Chapter 38 - Spiritsitting

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John's PoV

Two days later after the disappearance of Yoshino and the classmate who later turned out to be Ai, more people have disappeared due to Shido's wrong guess. The people disappeared during the span is the other two girls Ai is usually with, Hiroto, and even our home room teacher Okamine. So Reine is pretty much substituting for her sudden absence. Together with their disappearances along with Yuzuru, only Kaguya, Miku, Tohka, Kotori, and Origami is left.

I am now currently on a date with Miku since she is one of the two people left we have yet to know whether Natsumi is impersonating as or not along with Origami, whom she is also currently on a date with Shido.

Due to the status of Miku being a very popular idol, she is currently wearing a disguise to avoid attracting any unnecessary attention.

John: "Are you sure this is going to conceal your identity Miku?"

Miku: "Of course, people will only see us as an average couple like this!"

I then pulled out my sunglasses before putting them onto Miku.

John: "You know, I could've just came over instead of us going out together. It's far less risky like this."

Miku: "It's fine darling, and besides. I don't really get a chance to spend much time with you recently~"

John: "Since we are around the area, would you like to go to a café first?"

Miku: "Of course~"

We then walked towards the nearest café as we are then seated onto a table afterwards. We then got our orders written down a few minutes later.

Miku: "So how have you been recently darling?"

John: "I'll be honest with you, I'm not doing so great."

Miku: "Did something happened darling?"

I then explained Miku the whole situation from start to finish.

Miku: "I'm so sorry darling..."

I let out a long sigh before eventually taking a sip from my drink.

John: "But here is a thing though, I had a discussion with Dell a few days ago about the spirit being able to disguise as anything she wanted, including inanimate objects. So a huge clue is that she may not be impersonating as one of the people in the pictures, but the fact she is actually disguising as something in one of these pictures provided."

I then felt a vibration in my jacket as I pulled my phone out. It is an incoming call from Kotori. I looked at Miku as she gave me a nod before I answered the call.

John: "Hello Kotori?"

Kotori: "John this is urgent. I need both you and Miku to come immediately."

John: "I see... okay, we'll on our way."

Kotori: "Fraxinus will pick you both up. Just hurry."

Kotori then ended the call before I looked back at Miku.

John: "We need to go now."

Miku: "O-okay..."

I then quickly finish my drink before sprinting towards the waiter that took our order.

John: "How much is our items altogether?"

Waiter: "Uh... about 1240 ye-"

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