Chapter 2 - New Life, New Family

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John's PoV

April 7th 2011

I woke up in a rather different room, thinking everything I experienced was just some sort of crazy dream. But this dream is rather still real. I sigh before getting up and proceed to dress up. I checked the time, it's only 6:30 a.m right now. So it's Friday, which means both Shido and Kotori have school in about two hours from now. Now you are thinking, I am about the same age as Shido, shouldn't I be in school too? Well the answer is "no" since I am still quite new around here. I am not quite familiar with the area just yet.

Anyways, since both Shido and Kotori aren't awake yet, I decide to try out a hobby that is welcomed by my team from the battlefield. Which is cooking of course. I was actually one of the main cooks alongside the Heavy Misha, who makes great sandviches, and Dell that makes great bacon. So what do the students use as their lunch box here again? If I recall, they use these special lunch boxes called a bento box. I looked around the kitchen drawers and eventually found two bento boxes.

I placed the boxes down before checking the fridge for ingredients to cook. The ingredients are actually quite normal actually, there are items I am familiar with such as eggs, milk, bread, ground beef, onions, scallions, and even some leftover rice. I grabbed the ingredients needed before preparing them. I mixed the eggs, chopped the onions, then cooked the ground beef until they are brown. What did I use to cook the ground beef? Well a wok of course, one of the best cooking utensil you will have own.

So anyways, the onions go in next until cooked golden brown, then the leftover rice goes in next so it can absorb the juice for the flavor before adding the egg in. I tossed all ingredients together about ten times before adding in a special ingredient called Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG for short. I then toss the ingredients together again about five more times before adding chopped up scallions for the garnish.

I proceed to pour the newly created fried rice into both the main part of the bento boxes, then added some fruits on the other part of the box.
This can definitely make an uncle wearing orange polo proud.

I then proceeded to make breakfast, which is a simple toast, eggs, and sausages. Before placing them down on the plates. Not before I hear a loud "gruugh" noise before hearing Kotori scream. Before I could go up to see what's wrong, I can see Kotori dashing down the stairs and running towards the living room hiding behind the couch clearly traumatized.

John: "Kotori, what's wrong?" I asked in a concerned voice.

Kotori: "S-Shido. He's going to infect me with the T-virus!" Kotori sobbed before I walked up to the scared girl and gently pat her head to calm her down.

John: "I am sure Shido is kidding, he won't do that to you" I assured Kotori in a calm tone, which she proceeds to calm down a bit.

John: "Anyways, I made breakfast. So please eat." As Kotori nods her head before heading towards the dining table.

A couple minutes later, Shido also comes downstairs, dressed in a school uniform.

Shido: "Oh, good morning John." Shido casually greets me as I look at him with concern.

Shido: "Is something wrong?" He asks as I pulled him away and talked in a quiet tone so Kotori can't hear our conversation.

John: "So Shido, mind explaining what you did to Kotori?" I asked in a little stern voice

Shido: "Oh, she normally jumps on me to wake me up. So in return, I gave her quite a scare with a made up virus." He chuckles nervously as I proceeded to sigh.

Shido: "Don't worry, this is actually normal for quite a while now." He rubs the back of his head with one hand as I gave him a blank expression.

John: "Anyways... I made breakfast. Don't worry about lunch, I already prepared them." I said as Shido's eyes widen.

Shido: "John, you didn't have to." He says as I shushed him.

John: "Look, I am grateful for you guys giving me a place to stay, so this is a way to show a sign of gratitude." I explained to him as he sighs in defeat.

Shido: "Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I'm sure Kotori would too." As I gave him a nod before heading towards the dining table to enjoy our breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, I washed the plates and cooking utensils used. After that, I handed both Kotori and Shido their bento boxes.

Shido: "Again, thank you."

Kotori: "Yes, thank you Mundy San!" She says in her usual cheerful tone."

John: "Sure, no problem."

Shido: "Since you aren't going to school, what are you planning to do while both of us are going to be gone for a while?" Shido asks.

John: "I'm planning to explore around this area to get familiar with this place."

Shido: "Well alright, here are the spare keys. Be careful alright?" Shido says in a concerned tone.

John: "Don't worry, I will."

I then waved goodbye to both Shido and Kotori before heading out too, closing the door and locking it.

As I was walking around, I eventually came across an alleyway, however sensing danger from behind due to my experiences with spies, I quickly turned around and met face to face with a girl in what appears to be in a Gothic Lolita dress. Her left eye appears to be a clock.

???: "My My, it appears I have been noticed ~"  She says in a seductive tone which already made me a bit uncomfortable.

John: "Are you following me?" I asked in a neutral tone without showing any fear.

???: "Maybe, maybe not. Although you possess unique power inside you and I would like to eat you up for that~" She says again seductively who then proceeds to touch my face which I proceed to back off.

John: "Look, I don't know who you are and your purpose here, but what do you mean by I possess unique powers?" I asked

???: "You will find out soon enough John-San ~" She says the last part as she disappears in the shadows leaving me in thought to process what the mysterious girl meant.

John: "Strange powers huh..."

Brushing this topic aside, I exited out of the alleyway to continue exploring the city and came across a park. So I sat on a bench while thinking about the words the mysterious girl said. Most importantly, how did she even know my name? As I was thinking, I didn't notice someone waving their hands in front of me trying to get my attention.

I looked up and to my surprise, it was the same girl I saved yesterday.

Here is the second chapter.
Let me know how you guys think in the comments below. See you guys in the next chapter :)

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