Chapter 28 - A Proper Date

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John's PoV

It's been a couple days after the sealing of the twins as I am currently getting ready for my date with Yuzuru. I dressed up in a casual, but not too plain outfit consisting of a red dress shirt, and a pair of jeans. After finishing getting dressed up, I then went downstairs. Shido is there currently making breakfast while Kotori and Yoshino watches TV before my presence catches their attention.

Yoshinon: "Woah! You look like you are ready for something special!"

Shido: "Good morning, you look rather great today. Are you going to meet someone?"

John: "Good morning, and of course. I have a date with Yuzuru today."

Kotori: "Would you like my help today?"

John: "It won't be necessary Kotori, you go ahead and take a break today. You earned it."

Kotori: "Well if you ever need any assistance on your date, just give me or Fraxinus a call."

John: "Okay."

Shido: "Breakfast is ready."

John: "Looks good Shido."

I then went to the dining table and sat on a chair before the others does the same. After finishing my dish, I then brought it to the sink and washed it before getting ready to leave.

John: "I'll be going out now. Do you guys want me to buy anything for dinner tonight?"

Shido: "I got dinner, you go ahead and enjoy your date. You don't want to keep Yuzuru waiting don't you?"

John: "Okay, I'll be coming home tonight. See you guys later."

I then exited the Itsuka residence as I then head towards the destination Yuzuru wanted to meet with me, which is the Tengu park. She is not there yet so I sat down on a nearby bench. It's been a while since I last sat at the very exact same spot. Last time I sat there is the time when I first met Miku. Although the both of us rarely talked to each other for the past few weeks since she is busy with practicing her singing. So that is an understandable reason.

???: "Concern, am I late?"

I turned to the voice, it was Yuzuru. She is wearing a yellow blouse and a green skirt.

John: "No, I just arrived here myself. You're good."

Yuzuru: "Relief, I'm glad. Should we head off now?"

John: "Of course, let's go."

I got up from the bench as Yuzuru then grabbed onto my hand before the both of us starts walking towards the city.

John: "Have you ate yet Yuzuru?"

Yuzuru: "Deny, I haven't. Yuzuru only woke up not so long ago."

John: "Would you like to have something to eat first? There is this one place that got my interest but I don't really have the time to go."

Yuzuru: "Reply, okay. Lead the way."

I then walked us towards a cafe as a waitress immediately greets us.

Waitress: "Welcome."

John: "Table for two please?"

Waitress: "Right this way, follow me."

The waitress then leads us towards a table with two seats as she then handed us a menu.

Waitress: "Let me know if you are ready to order."

She then walks away as me and Yuzuru then toke a look at the menu.

There are a couple unique dishes listed on the menu. Eventually I ended up picking a simple dish.

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