"I love you Louis" she sighs and kisses my forehead.

When she leaves and the door clicks shut Harry's face falls.

"Don't be harsh on her, she's just looking out for you." He pats my leg.

"Haz-" he cuts me off. "Seriously Lou, don't" his stern voice echoes through the small room.

"Do you want me to stay?" He questions.

"Is that" I stop myself from pushing him "if you want you can go home, get some rest" I sigh.

"Alright" he kisses me softly and leaves.

He left. It awhile before I can fall back asleep but it eventually happened.


Mum picked me up from the hospital and something about everything is making me feel weird. Something is off.

She drops me off at the flat and when I walk in to my surprise it's empty. I kick off my shoes and let my bare feet meet the cold wood.

"Harry" I yell hoping that he will emerge from the room. But he doesn't.

I pull out a bottle of water a notice a random piece of paper laying on the counter. I skip over and take it into my hands.

"Dear Lou, I love you no matter what. You have big dreams, marriage, children, a great career, endless love and I don't want some of those. Of course you're the only one I want and I can't stand the thought of someone else touching my Lou, but if that makes you happy and that's what you want, then I'll give that to you. Go out, find yourself a great guy that will give you everything that I can't. You won't see me. Ever. I've left town, and maybe some day after your finished with college, and married maybe I'll come back to visit. If I even make it that far. I want to thank you for believing in me, loving me like no one else. Love your Hazza Xx"

I pull the note to my chest and scream. This can't be happening. Why, why would he leave me alone? My mind can't wrap around it.

"LOU" I hear his voice.

"Harry" I yell stumbling to my feet.

"Louis" again I hear it but can't find him

"Harry" I yell running and the weird part is I don't stop running. I run into darkness that engulfs me-

"Louis" my eyes fling open and Harry has a hold of me in his arms, with nurses crowding around the door.

"I'm right here" he whispers. "I'm not leaving, I'm right here" he runs his hands through my hair and I hold his arms resting my head on his chest.

"Harry, you left me" I sob.

"No, I would never"

"Please" I whimper.

"I love you" he kisses the top of my head and repeats the words until I'm calm and face reality that he's still here and hasn't left.

"Look at me" he pull my chin up. "What happened?"

"You left, I went home and.. And you just left a note and left me" tears threaten again.

"Louis, why would you ever let those thoughts in your head" he cups my cheeks.

"My mum-" I start but he stops me.

"She's not pushing me away, no one is" he breathes pulling me into him.

We just lay there in each other embrace. I hate that I felt that weak and alone without him. Like I had to have him around. Even if we did leave each other, as long as I got a proper goodbye I could pull myself through it.

Different {Larry Stylinson}Where stories live. Discover now