Chapter 5: Found you

Start from the beginning

Her eyes light up, she walks over to me and grabs my hand, I watch her confused. She starts to pull me, leading me in the direction of the couch, I whip my head to John. What do I do? John gives me an accepting nod, letting me know whatever is happening is ok. I look back to Maddie, she leads me to the coffee table in front of the couch.

Spread out, crayons and pieces of paper scattered, I sit on the couch, watching. She digs through her drawings and pulls out a paper, she walks over, and excitedly hands it to me. I look at the drawing in my hands, it's hard to make out but it looks like 3 people. I point to one of the people, "Who's that?" I ask, "Daddy" She replies in a cheery voice.

I look back to John, who's stirring a pot on the stove, I look back to the paper. "Just like him, and who's this?" I ask, pointing at the next smaller drawing. "Maddie" She says, I smile softly at her response, "And this?" I ask, pointing to the last person. She points to me, My eyes widen, I look back to the paper. 

I guess the last drawing looks like me, but if it was in a line up I don't think they could get me. "Thank you, could you hand me a crayon?" I ask. She walks over to the table and hands me one, under the drawing of me, I write 'Ghost'. She looks at me confused, "Ghost" I say, she furrows her brow "Daddy told me that Ghosts aren't real". 

What do you say to child in this situation? "I'm the only one, so don't be worried too much" I say. She gives me a soft smile, I'm not sure if what I said was good, I gotta learn something about this. "Simon" I hear John call, I turn to him, he's motioning for me to join him in the kitchen. I turn back to Maddison, "Draw me a picture of your house next" I say, standing from the couch.

Soap POV

"Could you reach up to the cabinet and get some plates?" I request. He does what I ask, little pushback, Guess that's the benefit of being friends with military men. He places them down on the counter, "Looks like you're getting along with Maddie" I say. He looks to her and back to me, he whispers loudly, "I've never really been around kids that much, I don't know what I'm doing" Simon Admits.

I chuckle softly, "That's how it was for me, you're doing good, just keep doing that" I say. Truth be told, the look on his face isn't one of confidence, more of a curious look. "I..." Ghost cuts' himself off, I pat him on his shoulder, Seeing him trying is actually pretty good, might have to invite him around more. 

I start putting the food on the plates, "You're doing fine" I say, trying to reassure him. "Maddie, go wash your hands" I say, she stands from her drawings and runs to the bathroom. Me and Simon start to put the plates on the table, I quickly notice that the table only has 2 chairs, Not enough. I walk over, and grab a short stool I have, putting it up to the table.

I sit down, Maddison runs back out sitting down in one of the seats, she starts to eat. Looks to be enjoying the food, I look over to Simon, he's eating his food, but he's sort of hunched down over the plate. No one is gonna take it from you, He looks over to me, and notices my focus  on him. 

He starts to straighten his posture, allowing me to see him, I smile down at my plate. Beginning to eat I look over to Maddison, who's already half finished with her food, with sauce stained lips. She's shifted her focus to Simon, "Ghost?" She says, Simon looks up to her, First time I've heard anyone use his nickname.

"Are you daddy's friend?" Maddison asks, I'm a bit shocked at her question, but it's reasonable since she's seen him around a few times. I look to Simon, who's already looking at me, I take another bite of my food, waiting for his answer. He looks back to Maddison, "I am friends with your daddy" Simon says. I start to breath heavily, trying to hide my laughter at the tone he's said it in.

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