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Joshua and Stacy are now seen in Joshua's office with Team RWBY present sweating bullets.

Joshua: You Four are not in massive trouble but are in trouble nonetheless.

Stacy: Yeah, what were you thinkin' fighting Roman?!

Blake: I want to know why Faunus are working with him!

Joshua: That's enough. Miss Belladonna I am well aware that you feel that the White Fang can be saved.

Blake: They're just misguided!

Stacy: Misguided my ass. I've seen them kill half-breeds. They ain't for equality anymore.

Joshua: Agreed. Now Miss Schnee care to explain to me your disdain for Faunus?

Weiss: I don't disdain them... well not as much anymore, but being a Schnee makes all Faunus hate you immediately all because of my father!

Stacy: Oh, Gele? Yeah no offense but he's a real piece of work.

Weiss: How would you know?

Stacy: I met him in person once. He kept talking about animals, the power he has and how his son will be just like him.

Joshua: You, are not your father. You are who you choose to be. Be the Schnee that the Faunus like.

Weiss: I.. yes sir.

Joshua: Now Miss Rose.

Ruby: Yes?

Joshua: This is the second time you have fought Roman Torchwick, while it's admirable please call the appropriate authorities next time. I would hate to hear you got injured. Also don't come up with plans to track him on your own.

Ruby: I would never.


Ruby: OkayIwon'tsorry!

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Ruby: OkayIwon'tsorry!

Stacy: Xiao Long. You're next!

Yang: I didn't do anything!

Joshua: Not recently.

Stacy: Why'd you injure a whole bunch of men at Junior's Club?

Yang: I asked him something but he just kept saying he didn't know! I know he was lying!

Joshua: *sigh* I am putting in a request to have you come to anger management lessons with me once a week.

Yang: Wait, why?!

Stacy: You sent a student to the infirmary last week because he nicked a single strand of your hair!

Yang: Hey, my hair takes a lot of work!

Joshua: *sigh* I need a coffee after this.

Stacy: I've also told Mr Graham here about last week's lesson.

RWBY: Why?!

Joshua: Miss Six and myself feel that the Headmaster is being very lenient with you and your actions. So please for the love of all that is holy no more vigilante acts. You are excused.

The team leaves and Joshua and Stacy sigh.

Stacy: No we gotta talk to the Boss man.

With Ozpin and Ms Goodwitch

Glynda: You can't keep favoring RWBY!


Joshua and Stacy step out the elevator

Joshua: Miss Goodwitch is right.

Glynda: Thank you!

Ozpin: Is this an intervention?

Stacy: Nah, it's a tea party. Yes it's an intervention!

Ozpin: On what?

Joshua: Your reluctance to punish RWBY, having Goodwitch do most of your duties and your hot chocolate budget.

Ozpin: The hot chocolate is of no concern to you.

Stacy: A good portion of the yearly budget goes to your addiction!

Goodwitch: You two are helping me a lot more than you think.

Joshua: First, why are you reluctant to punish RWBY?

Ozpin: Miss Schnee's father could drown us in law suits, Miss Belladonna's father is Chieftain of Menagerie and punish her could bring unwanted hate towards the Faunus and Miss Rose and Xiao Long's father is a teacher at Signal if his daughters were to be revealed being caught up in controversy his position would be under scrutiny.

Joshua: I will handle their punishments then.

Ozpin: Did you not hear me?

Joshua: I did but I have my ways of talking. Now why is Ms Goodwitch doing most of your work?

Stacy: Yeah, all I ever see you do is walk around with your cane and mug.

Ozpin: I um... am always communicating with the council.

Glynda: He just gives the work to me and says I can handle it.

Stacy: Oz that is low, lazy and sad.

Joshua: Yes, Miss Goodwitch is deputy Hea dmaster not your secretary.

Ozpin: Alright, I shall do my work.

Joshua: Now onto the hot chocolate...

Ozpin: They hot chocolate is to stay!

Joshua: I think you need to drink it less.

Ozpin: I am fine!

Stacy: You are getting jumpy.

Joshua: *sigh* Miss Six stop this is one thing we can't argue to him about.

Stacy: Fine, I'm going to go mark some papers. You coming Mr Graham?

Joshua: The time for talk has passed, the school's work must be done.

Chapter end

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